
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Passion Projects

Here is the info of my group of far. In my group we are doing an event where we get  kids to join our basketball 5 on 5  friendly game. We are doing this because we want to help fundraise for charity.  My group and I have pretty much done everything, we know who's doing what, we know our timeline, we know how any kids are the going to be on the court and we know the rules.  We also researched anything about basketball that we didn't know.

Monday 19 November 2018

Passion Projects - Community sports.

What is your passion project?
My passion project is Community sports, and our event that my group and I are holding is an event where we get different year groups of students and we get them to join in and play either Football, Basketball, and touch.

What have I learned?
I have learned how to write make a phone call to different people or companies about asking them if we could borrow something for our project or if we could ask for permission.

How does this help you achieve your passion project?
This helps us achieve our project because we need to learn about these certain things that will help us to get what we need for our items or tools, and getting those helps us to make it happen.

What is your next step?
Planning the day, and getting even more information out there.

What evidence do you have that this is something you need to do?
We have our passion project plan that is shared amongst the whole group.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Metal - Balancing toy

For the past term and a half my class and I have been working on our balancing toy. During our time of working we also put together a diary, or a presentation of the progress we have done. This presentation was edited every time we have metal tech. Take a look. Due to me being sick for a lot of days, and some public holidays I didn't get to finish it off properly, and I am alright with the end results. Some of the slides are missing due to those missed days. My wire is designed as number seventeen but I haven't finished it, and I haven't welded all my parts together, only my two rods and my 100 x 20 x 5 mm flat bar. I would do better by working even more harder because I missed last lesson, or just get on with my work. I learned how to drill, how some of the tools worked and I have learned how to make a balancing toy, by watching others around me and getting help by them. Hope you enjoyed my presentation. Thank you.


Did you finish your work, if not why?
I did not finish my work because I was sick for about two week which takes six days off, and we had some public holidays, and market day. Instead of just taking my time after I missed some days, I should've work two times harder.

What I enjoyed?
I enjoyed drilling and designing my work. I also enjoyed making one of these, even if I didn't finish. I enjoyed it because it taught me new things through the past term and a half.

What did I learn?
I learnt so many things, most of them were just learning the functions of all the tool we were using, and how much work goes into just making a balancing toy.

What was a challenge, and how 9+*-6did I overcome it?
One challenge for me was doing the drills because, I have never done it before and it also takes some risk, because just one wrong move and it can ruin your project, same thing goes for welding. I overcame it by actually trying it and asking for help around me, and because it was either the band saw or a slow cut with the hand saw.

Did I weld and what did I think of it?
Well I did weld, welding gave me a lot of pressure because I didn't know what to do or if I was doing it wrong, but I just did it and it turned out fine.

What have I got better at?
I have gotten better at knowing all the different tools.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Sons of zion

In music, my class and I have been working on our Nz musicians. We all got one person or group and had to do some research on them. The group I got were Sons of Zion. If you have not heard of them, check out my presentation below. I enjoyed doing this, and I consider listening to them.

Thursday 27 September 2018

Colin meads

  1. Sketch a map of Nz. Mark and label Cambridge, the king country area, and Te kuiti.

2. Explain what values are. Name any values you share with Colin Meads
the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
Rugby, His country.

3. Describe what the nickname Pinetree suggest and decide if it was a good one for Colin Meads.
Maybe too known as small today but strong
I think it was because he played as a lock or a loose forward, and  for how small he was and that’s a
big opportunity for him, and also he was strong

Image result for colin meads4. Discuss differences between the all black culture of the 1960s with that of today.
I think people that played back then were more committed like they were, and example is Colin  Meads
himself, He had broken his arm but he still played.

5. Explain how the ‘PGG Wrightson IHC Calf scheme works’  works.
It supports and raises funds for New Zealanders with Intellectual Disability, And also help farmers that
are seeking pledges of a calf or calves.

Image result for colin meads6.Web search: Find two other All Blacks and two other silver ferns (Present or past) who have contributed their community in some way.
John Kirwin
Tj Peranara
Linda Vagana

Nouline Taurua

Monday 24 September 2018

Food labeling

Lactose Intolerance:

First fact -
  1. Being lactose intolerant is different from being allergic to milk. Intolerance is the inability to digest the lactose sugar found in milk due to the lack of lactose enzyme, whereas the allergy is a reaction to the milk protein.
Second fact - 
  1. People with lactose intolerance can still eat cheese! Foods like butter and natural cheeses contain a small amount of lactase, which can be tolerable for some.
Third fact - Lactose intolerance is usually caused by a deficiency of an enzyme in the body called lactase.

Then make a statement about why food labels are relevant for people that suffer from these allergies. What will they be looking for on labels?

Food labels on product are one of the top things people tend to look for, because they're searching to see if this product contains stuff they're allergic to. I think this is needed because it can help a person with allergies know that they should or should not buy this. Examples they will be looking for is, dairy, wheat, nuts, and more.
Here is my own food label I created for chocolate chip cookies.

Monday 17 September 2018

Know your rights!

What is the Fair Trading Act?   How does it affect me?
A fair trading act is one of the laws in New Zealand.  Its purpose is to protect consumers -
which are customers - from misleading and deceptive behavior and also unfair trade. This might
include,  false representation, unfair practices and more. This effects us by protecting us from being
untreated fairly by traders or shops.


  1. What is the Fair Trading Act?
A fair trading act is one of the laws in New Zealand.  Its purpose is to protect consumers
- customers - from misleading and deceptive behavior and also unfair trade.

2.What is the commerce commission’s goal?
Their goal is to make New Zealanders better off. They will do this by playing their part in
ensuring markets work well, consumers and businesses are confident participants in those

  1. Who besides the commission is responsible for the act and can take their own legal action?
    The government

  1. Who are the two types of groups the act applies to?
Producers and Consumers

Understand your compliance obligations

1. What do the acts apply to?
Producers apply to stores or people selling goods or commodities. Consumers applies to who purchases goods or services for personal use.

2. Does it only apply if your intend to deceive? Explain.
Trying to deceive the producer because the consumer broke the product and tried to get a new one by saying they bought it broken, and want to get a refund.

3. Whose 'shoes' must the business put themselves into?
The business will need to put themselves into both, consumers and producers. For producers, they'll need to know how to do their job and help the customers, and for consumers they'll need to understand a customers problem, or situation their in.

4. What is the commission empowered to do?
They are able to give us - consumers - are right towards the producers if there is a problem with the product that they never told or warned us about, for example if you buy a phone from a owner online, and they never tell you that this phone is actually broken, you'll be able to make a complaint or get a refund for that product because of the help from the commission.

Reporting a business.
1. If you need to report a business how do you do this?
Give the commission a call?.

Thursday 13 September 2018

I consider using these film techniques!

Have you ever wondered if your whole life was a t.v show? Well in the film, The Truman Show, that thought became a reality for Truman. Directed by Peter Weir, this film had many film techniques, the two I will be discussing in my essay are diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.

The boat traveled across the sea, that seemed as if it was real. Truman got cozy. Just when the boat was getting closer to the wall, the shadow was expanding. "Boom, bang," these were one of the diegetic sounds that were used in The Truman Show film. If you have no idea what this techniques is all about, it's basically about sounds that looks like it's coming from the film, which it is. In many movies there are a lot of this one technique that has been used. A diegetic sound is used just like a normal sound effect, examples are, talking, footsteps, or even a car starting.

"Say something, God dammit you're on television" He asked loudly. Truman stared upwards and answered, "In case I don't see ya, Good afternoon, Good evening, and Goodnight." *Graceful music starts with fast pace* A tear came running down Sylvia's face while she cheered when Truman walked through the black door of freedom. *Music ends*. This Happened at the very end of the final scene, and the technique used in this scene was, non-diegetic sounds. It is indeed the opposite of the first techniques, which means, sounds like background music are all added in while editing. How it's used, is the music or sound will need to suit the reaction, emotion of the people in the scene, or even the moment.

To sum this all up, a diegetic sound are sound effects that happen during the scene. A non-diegetic sound is a sound that is added in while editing. In movies they use more than just these two techniques. They use different types of camera shots, camera angles, and camera movements. So, in order to make a movie you need to use a variety of different techniques. Will you consider using these techniques?

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Making a product out of wool?!

In maths, my group and I had to come up with a product that uses crossbred wool, that will successfully sell to help it get sold more. We had enablers to help us make this product, the first one was lasers, so it could cut our product perfectly, the second one was, robots, to help sew and stitch our product faster. There is more information about it in this presentation below.

What I learnt?
I have learn't the process in making stuff or making a new product just to help sell one thing that isn't getting sold more than it should.

What I liked/Disliked?
I like our idea, but I didn't like the prototype as much, I also disliked presenting, because my groups vocabulary was a bit off.

Feedback - My feedback is to read the presentation before presenting.

Sources - WikipediaStudent guides,

Question for you - Can you sell a product using something that already exist?

Monday 27 August 2018

Year 9 - Home economics

Health & Safety
What is the difference to Hygiene and Personal safety?
- Hygiene is about keeping your food, equipment, and yourself clean
- Personal safety is about making sure your food is safe to eat, your holding knives correctly, etc.

How would you have demonstrated these two so far?
- Tying up your hair
- Washing your hands
- Wiping down your table
- Right temperature for food e.g chicken
- Use right chopping boards and knives, so you don't contaminate food
When we use chicken what are some key things you need to remember to ensure your food is safe to eat?
- Your temperature for your chicken is at 75 degrees
- Your chicken is white when cooked
-  You use the right copping board and knife. ( the yellow board and knife )

What is bacteria?
Bacteria is a single cell organism, that feeds off dirt warmth, etc.

What do bacteria need to survive?
- Food
- Warmth
- Neutral Ph levels
- Water
- Oxygen
- Time
- Temperature

Give 3 examples of how we avoid spreading bacteria?
- Keep your hands clean, wash your hands after you use toilet, before you cook, or when you sneeze or cough, etc.
- Avoid contact with other people
- Avoid touching your face, hair or body.

 At - 18 = freezer
 At 0 = freezing point
 At 2 - 4 = fridge
 At 37 = Optimal bacteria growth
 At 4 - 60 = Danger zone
 At 75 = middle of chicken
 At 80 = Reheating
 At 100 = boiling

It is very important to know these points, because it can tell you when bacteria is at it's dangerous zone, when its frozen, and when it doubling itself. bacteria is bad for us, as it can make you sick, so knowing when its gone or when the food is cooked, you wont get sick, and you will know these temperatures by this thermometer.

Bagged veggies
Canned food
Unpackaged Veggies
Tea and coffee

Thursday 23 August 2018

Ta moko

What is a Ta Moko?
Ta moko is a traditional tattoo most Maori or New Zealanders wear on their face, chin, or body. Ta moko is referred as Maori tattooing . A tattoo is drawn on with ink, unlike A Ta moko, It is carved with chisels.

Why is it important?
A Moko on the face is the ultimate statement of one's identity as a Maori. Both men and women wear Moko on their face. It is believed that the head is the most sacred art of the body and to wear the moko on the face is to bear undeniable announcement of who you are.

How was Ta Moko applied traditionally?
The way they applied the Ta Moko to the face is they would, dip a narrow blade in black pigment and then tap the blade with a mallet to chisel deep incisions into the skin. This process left permanent grooves in the skin. Caterpillars were use for pigment in Ta Moko

Monday 6 August 2018

Want to make a catchy jingle!?

Band aid - I rate this jingle a 10 out of ten, because I enjoyed the rythym, the beat and also because it always get stuck in my head. I noticed that this jingle repeated it because it was the main message.

Coke a cola -  I really enjoyed this one because they collected people from all around the world and got cokes from there as well, which was really smart and cool. The message I noticed was that even though its vrom different places its still the same. I rate this 8.5 out of 10.

The warehouse - I liked this one because i always sang this and got it stuck in my head just like bandaid. I also liked how it was short and catchy, and i rate this a 9.5 out of ten.

Novus - I enjoyed this one because it has the comedy in with this jingle, and becauseI always sang this when I was young. This jingle made you think that they were talking about something  else in the beginning but really it just meant to show your crack from your car, which was cool. I rate this a 10 out of 10.

Ten things that make a catchy jingle!

  • Use the right words.
  • Use a catchy beat or rythym
  • Keep it simple
  • Repeat the main reason
  • Keep it short
  • Use a funny phrase 
  • Make it easy to remember 
  • Rhyme it
  • Dancing
  • Lots of people 
  • Good filming shots or places 

What am I learning?
In music, I am learning on how to make a catchy jingle. I will be able to make this with the ten things I found that will help you.

How does my work show I am learning?
My work shows how I am learning by adding a checklist and my rates on those videos, because these will both help me to make a catchy jingle.

What am I wondering?
I am wondering how people can make such catchy jingles, and how it went viral, and the camera angles especially.

Friday 3 August 2018

Making a hazard sign!

In Tech, I had the opportunity to make a hazard sign for the workshop. I took some time in making this, as it was really hard for me doing it on a computer. My hazard sign is about, not to put your hand in this bender, mainly because it can cause harm to you and a really bad injury. This can crush your fingers. I thought this sign was really important because some people may think it's funny to play around with stuff, but that can actually cause some harm towards you or others.

Tuesday 31 July 2018

Hazard signs.

Hazards are something that is very dangerous that can give you the risk of getting hurt or that can cause harm to you or others around you

Types of hazards - 
No.1. - Yellow sign -  hazard -  According to Wikipedia, A hazard is any agent that can cause harm or damage to humans, property, or the environment.

  • E.g
  • These signs tell you it is dangerous.
  • It also means to stay away, so you wont get injured badly.  

No.2. - Blue sign - Mandatory - According to the Internet - This sign means, A "mandatory sign" means a sign prescribing behavior. These signs are required to be blue. A mandatory sign shall show only what action is required. Mandatory signs generally use a white safety symbol on a blue background.

  • E.g
  • Ear protection - You must wear ear muffs
  • Safety helmet, You must wear it to protect your head

No.3 - Red sign -  Prohibitive - According to google, this means, It is a safety sign prohibiting behavior likely to cause a risk to health or safety. These health and safety signs are required red . This sign shall show what or who is forbidden.
  • E.g
  • Swimming in this area is forbidden

Friday 15 June 2018

I wonder why milk is white?

Why is milk white?
Milk is made up of about 87% water and 13% solids, such as fat and various proteins. Cheif among these proteins is something called casein, four types of which make up 80% of the proteins in milk. The casein protein micelles are typically suspended somewhat uniformly throughout the milk. White objects in nature appear such when there is some level of light diffusion going on and no part of the visible spectrum gets reflected off the object any more than any part of that area of the light spectrum. As you might guess from that, the casein proteins and some of the fats in milk scatter and deflect light uniformly throughout the visible spectrum. This results in milk being fairly opaque and appearing white to our eyes.

Now, This makes me wonder, Why onions make your eyes water?

Friday 8 June 2018

Health - Resilience

For the past few weeks, my class and I have been learning about resilience and other topics that is based on resilience.  While focusing on those topics there were many things that I found really interesting. We had learnt about 8 topics, and the ones that I found excited to learn about were these five.

What is resilience?
To me, Resilience is when you never give up, or you challenge yourself to do something you can't. An Example is when you are facing something that you find hard to do in a test, But you know not to give up and you try your best. According to the internet, resilience means -  the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

We also watched a short clip based on resilience - Who moved my cheese!
The problem that the characters faced was that the cheese was going away very slowly. Once all the cheese were gone sniff and scurry went to go look for more cheese unlike hem and haw they waited for the cheese to turn up for them. When haw noticed it was turning up he went to go search for the cheese himself, and in the end, he did. In this video, I noticed that sniff and scurry were resilient and never gave up finding the cheese, but hem and haw weren't, and in this video hem and haw learnt that change is good, and to accept change you'll win in the end.

Why is relaxation important?
Relaxation is important for us because it calms us down from over stressing and having anxiety. Reducing stress is also very important for our health because stress can give us health problems such as, high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity.

How does relaxation help us personally?
Relaxation helps us personally by helping our health. What it does is it lowers our stroke risk and it keeps us safe from depression. It also helps you by allowing the brain and body to function normally and it keeps us from having headaches and other health problems.

Relaxing can help us with many things that is stressing us out. It can help us to bounce back* by resting my muscles and to not over stress, It helps us to recover and it gives us strength to get back up from hard challenges we are facing.
*Bouncing back is just like resilience. Bouncing back is becoming healthy, happy or successful after something bad has happened.

What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to fully present, aware of where we are and what were doing, and not overly react or overwhelmed over whats going on around us. Being mindful is being aware of what's around you. Being mindful with your friends you'll need to remember
1. Paying full attention
2. Showing genuine interest
3. Being non-judgemental
4. Being receptive
5. Trying to connect and fully engage

One of the things we did that was based on being mindful with others was we had to get in partners and connect with each other. We did this to practice our mindfulness skills to maintain the quality of friendships.

Body cues...
What are body cues?
I think, body cues are when the person your connecting with is giving full attention with their body e.g, smiling, giving eye contact, posture, nodding. It's basically signals that show your emotions or reactions to how you feel.
The actual meaning of body cues...
Body cues is a type of non-verbal communication in which physical behaviour, as opposed to word, are used to express or convey information. Such behaviour includes facial expressions, body posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space.

Coping step plan...
To me a coping step plan is doing a step by step plan and breaking down a problem with less difficult steps. Coping step plan can help many people build their confidence as they learn how to slowly face
something their struggling with or something difficult.

Ways to help us cope...
1. Calm down
2. Remind yourself there is always more than one solution
3. Talk to a family member, friend or someone you trust
4. When you choose a solution, think about what will happen short term and long term

As I was moving on to different subjects I learnt many things, an example is coping step plan. While researching about coping step plan I learnt that it can help you with many difficulties that your facing with. I also learnt that most of the topics we focused on were all based on one thing or had one thing in common, and it was, when dealing with something very hard you'll be able to recover from it and 'bounce back' very easily with just using these 5 topics.

Learning about all of these is really important for us, as it can help us with our future, our health, and our well-beings. Let me explain how... In the future we are all going to stress about the up-coming things we'll have like, NCEA exams, applications etc, and when we stress, It can cause serious health problems, and we can reduce stress by using one of these 5 things. Doing this it can help to protect us from various Mental health  - A well-being -  such as depression and anxiety, and doing these it can improve our ability to cope. Resilience, is directly related to well-beings, as they're both important to prevent the onset of mental-health problems as well as potentially lessening severity of existing mental-health problems. Just from doing one of these five things it can prevent us from stress and other health problems, which is important for us, our body and our health.

At my age I start to face my mood swings and get angrier a lot faster, and I start worrying, stressing out more, which it gives me head-aches. To stop that from happening I use one of these topics, especially relaxation, because it's easier and it helps to take your mind off of the things that is worrying you a lot. You could use these these in your life when you have something important that has to do with your school, family, work, etc. When you're stressed about one of those things you could relax, to clear things off, use a coping step plan, to help you slowly regain from your struggles, And be resilient, Just know that you can do it, and just thinking positive.
Here is just the other topics we also discussed together as a class and worked on individually...