
Wednesday 28 August 2019

Home economics: Vegetarian Sushi

Vegetarian Sushi:

Teamwork aspects:Every person in my group each was assigned a certain job, for example, Mine and Chloe's job was separating the rice evenly into 4 plates. The boys were assigned to getting all of the ingredients and also the dishes. We all had the initiative to do stuff, and help each other out.

- We all knew what we were doing
- We all listened to the teacher and watched carefully what she was demonstrating
- We washed and dried our dishes when we had spare time

Improvements:I think our group could improve on getting our equipment a lot faster, and getting right into it as well. Overall our group is doing really well.

- 4-5 nori sheets
- 2 cups of sushi rice
- 1 red pepper, julienned
- 1 avocado, sliced
- 1 carrot, julienned
- 4 tbsp rice vinegar
- wasabi

STEP 1: Wrap your sushi mat (bamboo mat or folded kitchen towel) in a large piece of cling film. Put the mat down, put a nori sheet on top of the mat, shiny side up. Grab some rice with your hands and spread it evenly on the nori sheet leaving 1 cm margin at the very top. As well as spreading the rice evenly, keep on pressing it into the mat. Keep a bowl with water handy so that you can clean your fingers if they get too sticky.

STEP 2: Stack vegetables at the bottom of the sheet. Be careful not to overfill the roll.

STEP 3: Using the mat, slowly start rolling the roll squeezing it tightly with both hands as your roll. Go back every now and then to make sure everything is tightly bonded.

STEP 4: Once you get to the end, dip your finger in water and brush the water on the margin to seal the roll. Finish rolling and set the roll aside. Repeat the last 4 steps with the remaining nori sheets.
rolling vegan sushi step by step
Once you’ve rolled all sushi rolls, cut them into 1 cm slices with a sharp knife.

Monday 26 August 2019

Writing prompts 12: Children of Blood & Bone

Chapter 79 – Zélie
Inan’s amber eyes trap me in the truth of his betrayal, but it isn’t the gaze I know. He’s a stranger. A soldier. The shell of the little prince. Note: It is interesting to think about how Zélie became an empty “shell” after Saran tortured her. After talking with Saran, Inan became a shell, also.
Think back to when Inan said they had no choice but to kill the maji.
Zélie said “There’s always a choice.”

This message can be compared to when you are going through phases or problems that can remind you of things that have scarred you before, like going to war. When people go off to war, they usually come back a lot fearer than usual, this is because they saw and done stuff they didn't want to do or see. Some things can remind a person of the past or of the memories that they want to forget, 'shell' - hiding.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Social Studies- Paragraph about Cellphones

Are students addicted to their cellphones? If so, is that a problem?

In the generation we live in right now, there has been a lot of technology impacts or changes compared to how many there was in the past. One technology change that has made a big difference to many young lives are cellphones. I believe that for most teenagers they use their cellphones 24/7 or are addicted to it, which is a problem. Research has shown that being addicted to your cellphones or even just using them can cause you to have health problems. These health problems can include Mental health problems, vision problems and also neck strains. Some news shows or sites have shown where kids have made bad decisions all because of a certain video game they have played. So, my answer to this question is Yes, I do think teenagers are addicted(Well most of them) And it can be a problem if you are but even if you're not it still is a problem.

Writing Prompts 11: Children of Blood & Bone

Chapter 66 – Inan
Father stands in his night robes, scanning a faded map. No sign of hatred. Not even a hint of disgust.
For him, carving MAGGOT into a girl’s back is just another day’s work.

In that instant it hits me: Zulaikha’s death. Zélie’s screams. They don’t mean a thing to him. Because they’re maji, they’re nothing.

This message can be compared to what happened 71 years ago, which was the apartheid. This is because of how cruel they were treated and how many of their deaths meant nothing to the English and Afrikaaners.

Monday 19 August 2019

Writing prompts 10: Children of Blood & Bone

Chapter 63 - Zélie
  “You know what intrigues me about your kind? You always start in the middle of the story. As if my father didn’t fight for your rights. As if you maggots didn’t burn my family alive.”
  “You can’t enslave an entire people for the rebellion of a few.”
  Saran bares his teeth. “You can do whatever you want when you’re the king.” This message can be compared to any story that has two characters, for example, a Protagonist and an antagonist. This is because these two characters both have different views or perspectives on the topic they share. Just like in this situation, Zelie views her kind, Maji, as the victims of this problem, but the king sees the Maji as the villains.

Friday 16 August 2019

Technology changes

Technology Changes

In social studies, my class and I are learning about technology and its changes from the past to the future. Here is a small presentation showing different things that had a big impact of technology change in our lives.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Writing prompts 9: Children of blood & bone

Chapter 61 – Zélie
Tears sear my vision, falling fast down my face. A Healer. A child.
Yet her last moments are stained with hate.
This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is What I take from this message is how short and cruel life is. I say this because Zu died at only age 13 and before she passed she tried to do an agreement between the diviners and the men who were killing them. This can also be compared to our reality because some people die at young ages and some also die while doing an act of kindness.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Home Economics: Jam Drops

Home Economics
 Jam Drops

Teamwork Aspects:
- Everybody knew what they had to do and did it without having to be told what to do. The boys would be doing the dishes while the girls would be finishing the biscuits and adding the jam. We each grabbed the ingredients and equipment and also asked for help if anyone needed any.

We all have good skills with teamwork and helping each other because we would listen to one another and tell them if we need help with something. 

I think our group could improve on talking more with each other, but overall everything else is fine.

I really like my group because we each understand what we are all doing. We also get our equipment ready to go(Mis en place) at the start of the lesson and we always end up getting things done within the time limit because we each have a job, like getting ingredients or doing the dishes.

Staff Feedback:

One staff member told us year 10's that the biscuits we made were very yummy, it was soft and warm inside but they also said that the biscuit needed more flavour. The sweetness was just right because if we added more sweetness to it, it would've taken the sweetness from the jam center away, but overall it was very good.

Another member said, that the biscuits would remind her of her mum and how she would bake every Fridays. The biscuits she baked every Fridays would be stored into containers and last them the week, they also didn't buy biscuits from the supermarket. 
 - Jan drops

I think our biscuits turned out really good. The center was really soft, it melted as I would bite into it. The biscuit it was very warm and the texture of how it would break while biting into it was really good. Overall it was a great experience.

Writing Prompts 8: Children of blood & bone

Chapter 59 – Zélie
“How will me coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak, your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring. They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, face alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the resources of the monarchy behind us.” A message I take from this is how easily somebody can be persuaded by the types of word or sentences that person uses and how some people will play with their emotions or feelings to get what they want.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Research/ Experiment - Electric motors

Electric Motors:
An electric motor is an electrical machine that can convert electrical energy into motion or into and machine. 

Motors work by making electricity flow into loops of wire that are suspended inside a magnetic field created by magnets. The magnetic field that the loops of wire create push against the magnetic field of magnets; causing them to rotate. This rotation turns the axle of the motor and anything the axle is connected to. 
Used for:
Electric motors are used in most of our everyday uses. For example, it can be found in washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, fans, air conditioners, and such and such. We use electric motors for our home appliances, because not only do we use it to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy but also because it helps our machine last longer.
Building a simple electric motor

To build a simple electric motor

400mm of un-insulated copper wire, 1AA battery, 2 small magnets (approx. 10mm x 5mm) - neodymium magnets work well.


*Wasnt able to do my observations or conclusion because our magnets broke:(*
But if this experiment did work, the copper which goes around the battery is supposed to spin around. This happens because it creates a short circuit with the moveable conductor, within an electrical field, which is all needed for an electric motor.
* The shape of the wire was shaped to make sure both sides touch the magnets and this will make it spin around, which is like the electrical circuit that is needed for the electric motor. 

Monday 12 August 2019

Writing Prompts 7: Children of blood and bone

Chapter 52 – Amari
“I’ll prove myself to you, to all of you,” Inan declares. “You’re on the right side of this. My only desire is to stand there as well.”
“Good.” I lean forward to hug him, holding on to his promise.
But when his hands wrap around my back, all I can think of are how his fingers are resting just above my scars.
This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is
Do you trust Inan? Does he deserve a second chance?
Do people in real life deserve second chances? This message can be compared to when you're making a decision on if you would trust a person after they've done something that you don't approve on. For example, we've all thought of somebody a different way because of the things people will say about them, but once we see their part of the story or what they're really like, we'd start to change our thought about them. Which was like Inan, his father made him think that maji's were the problem for Orisha, but once he saw Zelie's story and how she suffered because of his father, he realized he was wrong all along.

I do trust Inan, and I will give him a second chance. This is because he was persuaded by his father to kill all maji, and so his father is to blame for all the actions he's done.

I reckon people do deserve second chances, but it all depends on what they have done. I always go by the phrase 'forgive and forget'.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Writing prompts 6: Children of blood and bone

Ideas – Relate to the real world.
After reading a chapter, there will be a quote from the story. Write about how the idea could be relevant to the real world and its people. Chapter 49 – Amari
Strike, Amari.
Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead.
Be the Lionaire.
When Amari hears Binta's voice, it gives her the strength she needs "Be the lionaire." This can be compared to all of our daily lives, because we all have a person that can give us strength by what they say.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

The Power of One feedback blog post.

 Copy and paste your essay into a blog post and then write a reflection paragraph by answering each of the 6 questions in bold below

Its been 71 years since the era of the apartheid, and during those times you could see how differently or poorly the black population of South Africa was being treated. In the film, The Power of One, directed by John Avildsen there is a scene where it shows Peekay and Gideon Duma running through the village and as they are coming past a big cue, Peekay asked what's it for, Gideon then explained that “The government only allows one toilet per 200 people.” This scene is juxtaposed to when it shows the English being able to use their own toilet in their own homes. The important techniques that were used in these scenes are tracking shot, non-diegetic sounds, dialogue and also a shallow focus shot. These film techniques helped the director to create an impact on the audience on what they were feeling.

One of the first techniques that are being introduced at the beginning of the scene, is a tracking shot. A tracking shot is also known as a dolly shot and transpires when the camera follows the subject in any direction. For example, the film aspect, tracking/dolly shot is being demonstrated throughout most of the scene and stops when Gideon and PK are at the water fountain. The director's purpose of this film technique was so it can allow us, as an audience, to be able to understand their lives as they are telling it, and also so it can take us down the same roads our characters face every day. This aspect can make the audience feel dejection towards the black community because of how they have to deal with being inferior towards the other languages. Anger is also another word that can have an effect on the audience after watching this scene. This is due because of the lack of respect and the injustices that was served to them. While Gideon and Peekay are running, they come past a lot of things such as people getting onto a bus, or men singing as they are working on the side of the road. When we watch this scene and we hear these men singing we know that this is a film technique known as diegetic sounds, and the opposite to this aspect is non-diegetic sounds.

Throughout the movie, various sounds are going on in every scene. Each of these noises can be broken down into either voice, music or sounds. Depending on how these sounds are used, they are either split into diegetic or non-diegetic sounds. A diegetic sound is the things that are happening in the scene and can be heard by the character while acting. A non-diegetic is the opposite of diegetic and is something that is edited into the film and can be heard by the audience, but not the characters. The film technique, non-diegetic sounds, plays an important part in this scene, as it was used to match the mood of the character or the audience. When Gideon and Peekay start running, mellow music starts to play in the background, and as the run, the music stops and changes. The reason for this is because the music will need to fit the characters aura. The reason the director would use this aspect is to make the audience have different feelings rushing through them; also because the different types of music to reflect what is happening and what it wants the audience to feel. The mellow music that is being used at the start of this scene will have the audience feeling normal but also kinda happy. When the music stops and changes after we hear, “The government only allows one toilet per 200 people,” It makes us - as an audience - realize its an important message, and once it changes to a faster upbeat sound we start to have the frightening experience. Non-diegetic sounds are used in all movies, but not many people take notice of it. This is mainly because it is being used throughout the whole movie and we just considered as a sound effect or background music. While all the different sounds are going on in the background, Gideon and Duma are just carrying on the conversation between them. When there is a conversation going on this is known as the film aspect, dialogue.

Furthermore, A dialogue is a film technique where it is a conversation that is happening between two or more people and is used throughout the whole movie. This aspect is being used in every part of the scene, and it includes all the important things that are being said. A good example is when Gideon says to Peekay, “The law says only 2% of us can go to school. You know what you learn there? Enough bloody Afrikaans to be maids, street sweepers, or... or mine slaves. We can't even read the bloody apartheid signs to tell us where we aren't allowed to go.”  The use of dialogue isn’t just a conversation, instead, it functions in a very purposeful manner. One way A dialogue can be used is, it can reveal a character. The way the characters use or say any words can reveal their emotional/physical state and it can also give us a bit more background on them. Another way the director would use this is to send important messages to the audience. What the characters are saying in this scene will make the audience want or have the need to do something for the black community. This conversation will also give us an idea of the ill-treatment that is being used towards the black population. The film technique - dialogue - seems easy to use it, but because it has to create impact, it has to be used carefully. Many different film techniques are also being used while the characters are talking.

When the scene is coming to an end; Gideon and Peekay stop to get a drink of water, a shallow focus shot was being used. A shallow focus shot is when there is one place that is being focused whilst the background or the area around it is being blurred. In this shallow focus shot, we see Gideon walking up to Peekay and exclaims “What was different? The tribes sang together because of the myth. They came last night because of the myth. They'll come again because of the myth. A myth we don't even believe. Damn belief! Damn belief! I believe in Africa. I believe in my people. I want to believe in the future. Then what do you believe in?” Gideon then gets interrupted by a sergeant, who was at first blurred out but once he said “Mind your mouth Kaffir” he starts to become clear. The reason any director would want to use this aspect is for it to make the characters or subject stand out or to isolate it from the background. When this aspect stopped and the sergeant became clear it made the audience take notice of his surroundings. While Gideon was saying these words, we would be able to know that he was saying it with huge dignity towards his people and the myth. Me, being able to understand this makes me realize what kind of effect this aspect had on the audience. It made us understand that this very part of the scene was important for this character and understand what they’re feeling. As Gideon starts speaking the aspect gets closer towards them and this makes us get deeper into what he was feeling. 

Overall the film, The Power of One, had great film techniques running in every bit of the movie and they all had a different impact on the audience. In each aspect that was being used reveals the reason why the director would want to use this and the message behind it. Just from this scene, it can give us a bigger picture of the struggles the black population had to face in their everyday lives. It additionally showed the brutal things the English or Afrikaaners would use against the black community, whether it was physical or verbal. _________________________________________________________________________________________
- What am I proud of?
- What can I do (specifically) to improve for next time?
- What is one thing I enjoyed about learning about the film?
- What is one thing I found challenging about learning about the film?
- What is one thing I found useful/I will use next time I write an essay?
- What is one thing I am wondering about to do with writing about Visual Texts? _________________________________________________________

When I finished writing my essay and I got my results back, I was really proud to know that I am working towards my level(5) for writing. I find that really good for me because I know myself as someone who struggles to write a good piece of work. When I received my feedback from my teacher she gave me some tips that I could work on next time, which was to be more specific in the movie or the scene. I took this advice and is going to use it for my next essay, or edit it if I forget to be specific. One thing I enjoyed about the film, The Power of One, was that it was related to the real world and its problems. Next time when I get the chance to write an essay, I would also use GOLDEN, TAKO, and also SEXXY paragraphs because they helped me to write a really good essay that im very proud of. One thing im wondering about is if im ever able to use these paragraphs once more this year or term.