
Thursday 28 February 2019

P.E - Thinking/mindset

Physical Education

Ever since term one of 2019 has started, 10ak and 10bu have been working on how we think during athletic training. We have been working on saying, 'I can do this', 'I won't give up' instead of the opposite.

What have I improved on?
Over the past few days, I believe I have improved on my sprints. I believe this because of all the different techniques I have learnt such as, the way I start, how I move my arms, where I look, and how much energy I use throughout running. I think I have also improved on the high jump because I managed to know how to move my arms, which legs to jump off of and where to look. 

Wednesday 27 February 2019

Home economics - Research on Salmonella

Recipe  for breakfast muffins:

1/2 tbsp of olive oil
1/2  of onion - diced
2 slices of salami or ham
4 cherry tomatoes
1 1/2 cups of self-raising flour
1 tbsp of dried, chopped parsley
1/2 cup of grated tasty cheese or cheddar cheese
1/2 tsp of smoked paprika
2 eggs
Add seas salt and cracked black pepper
1/2 cup of milk (may need a couple of extra teaspoons)


  1.  Preheat the oven to 185 celsius on fan bake.
  2. line 8 large muffin holes or a regular 12 tray with baking paper squares larger enough to come up the sides.
  3. heat the oil in a frying pan and saute onion for 3 - 4 minutes until the onion is soft. Set aside to cool.
  4. In a large bowl, combine the tomatoes, parsley. flour, cheese, paprika and seasonings.
  5. Add the cooked onion, salami and stir to combine.
  6. Whisk together eggs and milk and fold into other ingredients gently until combined.
  7. Spoon into prepared trays and bake for 12-15 minutes until golden and puffed.
  8. Serve with herb butter - optional
  9. To make: Combine 50g soft butter, 1 teaspoon parsley
- Dont over stir you mixture!


Where can these bacteria be found?
Salmonella can be found in raw or undercooked eggs, raw milk, contaminated water, and raw or undercooked meats.

Incubation period:
Define the incubation period:
 - The period over which eggs, cells etc. are incubated.
 - The period between exposure to an infection and the appearance of the first symptoms
Salmonella has an incubation period of 6 - 72 hours and can last for 14 days after exposure.

How could you lower the risk with salmonella?
- Avoid eating raw or undercooked eggs, undercooked ground beef or poultry,  and unpasteurized milk.
- Keep food properly refrigerated before cooking.
- Clean hands with soap and warm water before handling with food.
- Separate cooked foods with ready-to-eat foods.

How did we avoid Salmonella in the kitchen, whilst making breakfast muffins?
We avoided this by, cleaning our hands, don't cross-contaminate foods, such as using a green board for cutting meat.

Made by: Presayus & Miji.

Monday 25 February 2019

The slave trade

During the past few lessons in social studies, my class and I had to create a map of the slave trade. The slave trade shows what happened during those times, and how they were able to transfer materials and goods from one country to another.
What happened:
Ships from Britain would leave with good such as - clothes, guns ironware and drinks. These good would then be transferred to Africa and would be traded for men, women, and children. The traders held the enslaved Africans and sold them to Europeans or African captains, and then would be sold to the higher bidder at slave auctions. With the money made from the sale of enslaved Africans, goods such as coffee and tobacco were bought and carried back to Britain for sale.

Here is the map I created to show you an understanding of what is happening.

Wednesday 20 February 2019

Reflection on making chicken and rice patties

Here is the link to the ingredients to make this:

On Friday last week, my home economics class and I all did a practical on making Chicken and rice patties. I have never heard or tried making one of these before, so making this was new for me, and learning all the steps was quite different towards other food I have made before. The major hack or thing that I learnt was putting the glad wrap on half of the chopping board because the chopping board we were using was for raw chicken, and the chicken we were cooking with was already cooked. Doing that, helped make it easier. For the next practical I will probably look at the measurements and how it changes when you're making it for more or fewer

Define - Perishable:
Food likely to go bad quickly

Define - Non-perishable:
Foods that can be stored for a long time without getting bad or spoiled.

Why is understanding the correct storage for food important when it comes to these two food types?
It is important understanding what foods last longer and what doesn't, because it is easier knowing what foods you can get before a week passes, and what foods you can eat after weeks to months passed.

What is the impact that storage has on bacteria?
If foods are not correct in the right place, it can lead to getting mould on it because of how it's not stored in the right temperature.

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Heart Attack

What is a heart attack?
A heart attack is when the blood vessels are blocked or if the blood flow of the coronary arteries -  that bring blood and oxygen to the heart - are blocked. This prevents all oxygen from getting to the heart, which makes the heart starve.

Causes of a heart attack:

  • A blood clot blocking the coronary arteries
  • The heart muscles die or permanently damaged
How to prevent it?
  • Stop smoking
  • Exercising daily
  • Eat a low-fat diet
  • Keep your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol under control
  • Losing weight
  • Exercising
  • Being connected to an ECG - A machine where it records the electrical activity of the heart
  • Taking care of in the hospital  in the intensive care unit
  • Chest pains 
  • Feeling pain in one part of your body
  • Pain that comes and goes 

Thursday 14 February 2019

Human rights.

In social studies, my class and I have been working on human rights, what they are and how they started. We had the choice of doing a poster by hand or on our computers. Here is one of the posters that I have drawn by hand, it comes with all the 30 human rights.
(The mark on her face is a mistake)

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Safety around fire in the cooking room

Name the 2 key fire safety equipment we have in this room -
Image result for fire extinguisherFire extinguisher and a fire blanket

Explain how each is used
Fire extinguisher - This is what we use to spray on to something that is caught on fire like a pan, tea towel etc.

Fire blanket -  An fire blanket is used to cover when a pan is on fire or used to wrap around the victim that is caught on fire.

Why do you not try to blow out an oil fire?
Because it can spread the fire the same as water

What are the three things you should try and do to put out a fire
Image result for fire blanket- Use the fire blanket
- Use the fire extinguisher
- Put baking soda -lots of it.
Use a manual core point to report a fire
Call 111 - for NZ

chicken and rice patties

Define mis en place: Being prepared before beginning service.


  • 2 cups cooked jasmine rice (about 1 cup uncooked)
  • 1 chicken breast
  • 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 a carrot
  • 1 - 2 spring onion stalks
  • 3/4 cups grated mozzarella cheese
  • 2 eggs
Yellow board for chicken
Green board for Veggies
White board for dairy - cheese, milk etc

  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. Slice chicken breast in half widthways, so it will cook through quicker.
  3. Heat oil in a medium frying pan and cook chicken breast until it begins to brown.
  4. Remove from pan and shred chicken using a fork and set aside.
  5. Grate carrot.
  6. Finely slice spring onions.
  7. Lightly beat the eggs.
  8. In a large bowl add cooked rice, chicken, spring onions, eggs and about 3/4s of the cheese and mix well.
  9. spray muffin trays with cooking spray and then spoon mixture into the trays. Top with remaining cheese.
  10. Place in the oven for 15 minutes until the tops turn golden brown.
  11. Let them sit in the trays for a few minutes before removing to rack to cool. Use a knife to work around the edges of the rice patties to make removing them easier. the recipe made 12 chicken and rice patties.
Cook properly:
Cook chicken and eggs properly to not get salmonella. 
Don't cross-contaminate food.
Cook chicken with the right temperature - use a thermometer to your choice 


Here is one of a language feature that I have worked on in English, using piktochart

Sensory Language

As I woke up to the sound of raindrops on top of my roof, I got out of bed and watched the raindrops slowly drip down the window. I got out of bed and strolled into the kitchen and made me a sweet hot coffee. The taste of the warmth and sweetness burst on my taste buds, it went well with the soft scone that I quickly ate.  I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and as the coldness of the water splashed upon my face I was awake and ready for the day.
Similes and Metaphors
A simile is when you would describe something in a sentence using like or as.
A metaphor is when you would describe towards something but you don't really mean it in that way.

Simile: She typed as slow as a sloth
Metaphor: Her heart is gold
Slam Poetry

This video will have to be one of my favourites out of all videos, mainly because people in Nz and I can relate to his speech. One quote that stood out to me was - "We came from a time where Papauanuku was cherished to now where our papa and our surroundings are blatantly neglected". The meaning of this quote is - back then our mother earth was cherished by our people when now people are just showing a lack of care towards our surrounding and our mother Earth. Another quote I really like that is very similar is -  We drilled deep holes through our mother - We chopped down our brother's forest and still we have the nerve to wonder why Ruaumoko is under this earth quaking on us. This means we drill a hole through the mother earth and chopped down trees and we are here wondering why Ruaumoko - the god of earthquakes and volcanoes - is making earthquakes.
Doing all of this made me learn more about creative writing, and it gave me more ideas that I could use in my literacy writing. With all the different language features I have seen while working, and given me more depth toward my learning of english, and I have fun learning and creating these.

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Welcome Indiana Bones

The blue marker is the cartilage, synovial membrane, synovial fluid

Friday 8 February 2019

Bacteria in food.

Things bacteria need to survive: Time + Water + Food + Oxygen + Warmth + Neutral PH levels.

Bacteria are little particles that go on food that is left out for more than two hours, chicken is mainly one worst food that bacteria goes on. If you decide to eat that food you will get sick.

Pathogenic bacteria requires food rich in Nutrients to survive such as poultry, fish, dairy, fruit, and Vegetables. These foods are generally perishable foods that if not stored correctly, it will go bad within a few days.

Bacteria growing temperature =  4 - 60 degrees, below 4 will not kill bacteria instead, slow it down from multiplying causing illness. Above 75 degrees slowly kill them, and 37 degrees are the optimal temp for bacteria to grow. Bacteria will start going in food when the food is left out for 2 hours after 2 hours have passed, every 20 minutes the bacteria will start to double.
Food: Food is covered and stored properly
Oxygen: Stored in airtight containers
Neutral environment:  Preserving foods with vinegar, salt, lemon. This affects the growth of bacteria, and a clean surface
Temperature:  Stored in freezer = -18, Refridgerator = 2 - 4, Cooked = Over 75, Reheated = Over 80
Moisture:  Left to cool and going into fridge, and avoid condensation.
Time :  Not left out for 2 hours.

Shading in art.

My three shadings
Learning Intention: Learning the techniques required to make our ideas come alive; drawing with tone and proportion

For the last three periods my class and I had a challenge of shading. Shading plays an important part in art as it makes the drawing look more realistic than it really it, shading can give your art an illusion of depth in the paper.

Have I improved in shading?
I think that due to all the practices, and the videos I have watched, I recently had my shading improved more. If I just had a little more practices I will be better than I am now.

Do you understand that using structure can help you draw better?
After just reading about the definition, I think that  it really can help you with your drawing. Structure can help you get an even drawing, for example a face, you will use a structure to get the same eyes, because you wouldn't wanna have one eye big and one small.

What are you going to work on going forward in pencil drawing in and out of class?
The main thing I will be doing or be working on will be more shading and using more structure, because I want to be on the level where my drawing will look and become more realistic than it already is. I would want to work on my structure so I can get an even view of my drawing.

Tuesday 5 February 2019



What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a condition where it involves damaging towards the joints of the body. Arthritis can start at any age, 3 out of every 5 sufferers are under age 65. Joint inflammation can cause pain and stiffness. There are over 100 different types of arthritis,  but the two most common ones are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between the bones wears away. Cartilage is a tough smooth substance that covers the joint, what provides the cartilage to become slippery is Synovial fluid. Synovial fluid helps to lubricate the cartilage and provides a smooth gliding surface for the joint motion. In the early stages, Rheumatoid arthritis tends to affect your smaller joints first, mostly the ones in your fingers and toes which are called phalanges. As the disease increases it affects the wrist, ankles, hips, elbows, and shoulders, it can also affect both sides of the joint. In some people, rheumatoid arthritis can lead to problems with the skin, eyes, lungs, heart and blood vessels.

Risk Activities:
Many of the risk that can lead to arthritis are all mostly about being active, as in playing sports. PLaying sports is one because if you fracture your self or have infections, these can harm the internal tissue of a joint. Construction workers and ballet dancers can get it by overusing their joints. Arthritis can also affect people who are physical inactivity, which means not exercising. With all the lack and small amount of exercise, this can weaken the muscles that support the joints.


  • Clicking or cracking your knuckles
  • Arthritis only affect old people
  • Arthritis is painful, but not a serious health problem