
Friday 31 May 2019

Art - Magazines

During the past weeks of term 2, my art class and I all had the chance to get into groups and design two pages of a topic so it can be put into a magazine.

Does your design reflect your thumbnail sketches so far?
So far it hasn't, mainly because we are still working on our two pages so it can reach our expectations.

Does your design reflect the feeling of your topic?
I think it kind of does, because the photos we are using relate to the topic and also because they're from our school sport events.

Do you know where you leading lines are?
There is one leading line which is the grey line but I do
have an idea on where to put them.

Do you know where your focal point is?
Yes, but we havent made them stand out because we are still
working on it.

Thursday 30 May 2019



Aim: To observe a neutralisation reaction
1. Add approximately 1-2 mL of Na2CO3 and place the test tube into the test tube rack. Add 3-5 drops of Universal indictor solution.
2. Using a dropper bottle, add HCI drop by drop. Be careful because adding even a small amount of extra acid can mean you'll miss the neutralisation point.

Once we added the liquids we just played around with it until we got a certain colour or the rainbow, just like this photo here which is our results.

In the end we got the results we wanted - Rainbow- and we also managed to get the colour green, which means it's neutral and is 6 -7 on the pH level.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Making Indicators


Making Indicators:

Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances.

For cabbage:
1. Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.
2. Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.
3. Boil over a Bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the colour to leach out of the cabbage.
4. Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple bluish coloured liquid. This liquid is about pH 7. (The exact colour you get depends on the pH of water)
5. Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

After the cabbage was boiled, we used a pipette and placed the cabbage indicator into two holes. We did the same thing for tea, tumeric, cranberry juice, and beetroot. We than
dropped HCI(Acid) into one of each indicators and for the rest we dropped NaOH(Alkali(Base) into it. Here are the results.

Overall doing this experiment was a fun experience, but we did manage to do our aim.

Thursday 23 May 2019

Sexxy Paragraph - Close up shot

In the movie, the power of one, the Director (John Avildson) uses the film aspect of close up - where the camera is zoomed up onto someone or something - in lots of scenes throughout the movie. For example, the close up shot was used in a scene where it shows, Sergeant Borman holding Geel Piet against the wall and he puts pressure onto Geel Piet so he can tell Sergeant what the Black Africans are saying in their songs. The directors purpose of this aspect was so this scene can be very intense with what is happening. Avildson also uses a dark lighting so it shows its happening at night and to also make it more harsh. This scene made the audience feel more scared, worried, and angry because of the way Sergeant Borman was violently pressuring Geel Piet. This scene can be compared to when, PK and Maria get raided by Officer Bothe and the Natzi while they were teaching Gideon Duma and his family and friends.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

The long shot aspect

In this scene, the film aspect 'long shot' was used effectively to show the audience how they were kept on watch 24/7 by the guards, especially in this scene. For example, In this scene the long shot shows us the sergeant who was watching them whilst holding a baton is about to do something to Pk and Geel Piet who was hiding a bucket of tobacco. Avildson purpose of the film aspect was so it could show the power he had over them. The effect of this scene towards the audience was for them to feel worried and concern for Pk and Geel Piet because we know something bad is about to happen. This scene is juxtaposed when they are outside sitting in dirt rather than being in a classroom, reading to everyone.


Arriving in paradise!

Everything is expensive. Food, water, shelter, and even getting to another place. Some days i'm not able to eat food, or I don't get to have a shower for a whole week. I live off of 10 pounds every week because where I work I get paid under minimum wage. I've always wanted to move but I haven't been able to because I cant afford it.

One night while I was locking up the bar, a poster caught my eye. "Free trip to paradise. Tomorrow morning there will be a ship leaving to New Zealand..."  I stopped reading and quickly ran to my small cramped house. I packed my baggage's throughout the whole night. I was so glad that I was finally able to leave London, but I kept thinking if I will return back or stay there for good.  So relieved that I finally get to have a normal life without facing crowded streets, cold nights, maybe I will even get a proper job. The sun came out and I quickly grabbed my stuff and rushed out the door towards the port.

Its only been 1 week on this boat and already I cant take it. I just want to go back, I cant deal with people coughing or sneezing in my face. Living on the boat is worse than living in that small and cold house of mine. Its easier to catch any sickness on here because there's too many people on the boat. Also because of this, food cant feed everyone at once. The longest I've been without food is almost 2 days. It is now 3 months and things have gotten a lot better, except there's been more sicknesses and diseases going around. A lot of people have lost some of their loved ones due to these types of diseases. I just hope I'm alive when I get to New Zealand, or even being able to step a foot. "We are now landing in New Zealand." I feel the rush of excitement inside me, "I'm finally in New Zealand!"

2 years have passed...

Its been 2 years since I have left London, and I love it here! Everything about New Zealand is what I've imagined throughout my whole life. The only thing that I miss are my relatives but everything else is great! I was finally able to sleep well. I can afford food, shelter and water. I get paid well. I love the weather, and I love New Zealand!

Monday 20 May 2019

Atomic Science

Making a Atom Model:

Aim: To make a model of any atom

Blue Tack

Atom we are attempting to make: Boron
Protons: 5
Neutrons: 6
Electrons: 5

1. Collect the 11 beads (6 is neutrons) (5 is Protons -  Stick all 11 of the beads on the blue tack, any colour. Make sure there are one colour for protons and another colour for Neutrons. This is your nucleus.

2. String - Stick the nucleus onto the string

3. Making the shells- Take a piece of paper and cut 2 circles, first draw 2 circles on the smaller circle, and then draw 3 on the bigger circle, as this is the electrons.

4. Finishing step - Tape the two circles around the nucleus and onto the string
Make sure to title it

This is my example of the model, it has 5 protons, 6 neutrons, 5 electrons, and a mass of 11. 

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Floor hockey

Floor hockey:

1. On a scale of 1 - 10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the floor hockey lesson on Tuesday:I would rate myself a 7

2. Why did you rate yourself that way? Give  reasons for your rating:
1 -  I managed to pass the ball through the gate and towards my other partner, and I was able to control all my passes, whether I was passing or shooting a goal.
2 - Even though hockey isn't my number 1 sport I was still able to participate and join in the fun games we had with each other, for example, get the bacon.
3 - The last reason was because the was I was playing wasn't advance but it was just under it, because I was able to pass straight, score straight, and dribble the ball so I could dodge the person coming to steal it.

3. What skills do you think you did well?
The skills that I think I did well in was passing, dribbling, encouraging other team mates and participating in playing the sport.

4. What skills did you use to pass and dribble the ball?
The skills I used to pass and dribble was keeping the ball close to me and pointing my body and stick towards the target. Also the way I passed and held the stick.

5. What do you think you need to improve on in today's lesson?
1 - Looking to where I need to pass more
2 - Bending more down so I can block the other team.