
Monday 26 March 2018


I have found out that musicals is a play or film in which singing and dancing play an essential part. Musicals Developed from light opera in the early 20th century. A really cool and unusual musical i like is The Greatest Showman. The Greatest Showman is  an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a world wide sensation.  I like this musical because there a people that feel insecure of their own bodies and don't want to show it in public because of the way their body is, So P.T Barnum makes a show with them to show they're all the same and that they have talents they can show to the world without being judge but loved.

Friday 23 March 2018

I didn't mean to kill her...

*Pg over 16*
As he stared at himself with regret, he shouted over and over again "I didn't mean to kill her, I didn't mean to kill her!.."

*2 hours before that*
She was making dinner for her husband to come back home from work. Bang bang BANG! With fear she made her way to the front door and looked through the window " I thought you were someone else" she sighed.

It was quarter to ten when he came home. She said "dinners ready" but he didn't seem to care, "Uhmm, dinners ready" he got up and screamed "I don't care!" she knew he had been drinking from the smell of his breath. She then asked him why he was drinking, "I got fired, Ok!, Now stop asking questions" he yelled.

They were in the kitchen, standing there with silence. "So.. why'd you get fired?"  she asked, He drank a glass of wine " I don't know.. ok, I don't KNOW!" He smashed a glass. "Now pick that up" "I said PICK! That up" he yelled, she got scared again, didn't know what to do except call the police.

"Hello this is the police department how may I help you" "Ugh Yeah.. I'm here to report a..." He grabbed the phone off of her "Ma'am, Hello, Ma'am.."  He hung up on the phone. She ran towards the bedroom but he had grabbed her arm, " You have been a bad girl" said the husband, "Please.. Please don't hurt me I - I- I'll scream"she said "Scream all you want nobody will come for help" *Slap, Slap* "Arghhh" she screamed with fear, tears came down her face.

 She was able to run into the kitchen, she grabbed a knife " Touch me again  and I- I-.." she stuttered that was when he grabbed the knife, they fought over it when.. "OH no.. No no no no NO! What have I done" He said quietly. "I- I Love Yo..." She said. He ran towards her, held her in his arms "No.. Im sorry" he wept.

*Present* "Hello.. Police department how may I help yout" "I didn't mean to kill her.. I didn't mean to kill her"He cried, "sir, sir where are you" He answered with " I'm at 45 welkin street, come quick" " Sir what is your name"
Phone dropped "sir.. sir" She had said continuously.

"Open up this is the police" they busted through the door..

What they've seen was horrific, The place was torn apart the wife was stabbed, and the husband had hung himself.

*Sorry for the violence.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

My way of stepping into the math future...

As you guys know, my name is Presayus and i'm in 9ak. I have stepped into the math future and will be explaining how I was able to explain how to convert between Decimals, Fractions, and Percentages. My math teacher, Mr Carter, He gave my class and I a lot of sites to explain it. The site I chose was; my simple show. My simple show is a site that can help you explain stuff in a video, It can transform any text to a animated show. It also has a voice over for you're story that you wrote, or you could record a voice yourself. Here is the link to my video about how I converted between these.  My simple show - Presayus.    

Overall I found this experience really fun and easy. I learnt that this site was very easy for me because it animates it for you, and it emails you when you video is finished so you don't have to leave the site on while finishing. Some problems I didn't like was that you get a limited writing, or animated photos, or sometimes the animation can get very slow but i'm lucky that I was able to fix the problems and finish it on time. I do hope we do something like this next time.

These are the links that helped me to finish my amazing animated video .
My simple show 2018,  Maths is fun 2018.

What do you think I could add to my story?
I would like to hear it my you commenting on my post.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Monday 19 March 2018

Dilutions from a dissolved crystal

The first thing we did was we placed six test tubes in a test tube rack. Label the rack with numbers. Using a measuring cylinder fill test tube 1 with 10 mL of water. Fill the remaining test tube with 5mL of water. Using your tweezers, add a single crystal of potassium permanganate to test tube 1. gently shake the test tube until the crystal dissolved. Using the transfer pipette, carefully remove exactly 5mL from test tube 1 and pour it into test tube 2. Rinse the transfer pipette thoroughly to ensure that no purple solution remain. Gently shake test tube 2 and repeat the transfer process, transferring exactly 5mL of solution from test tube 2 to test tube 3. Rinse the pipette again and repeat the transfer process for test tubes 4, 5 and 6.

Test tub 1 was the most concentrated solution because it contains the largest amount of solute.  Number 6 was the diluted one because it had contained the smallest amount of solute than other test tubes.

Thursday 15 March 2018

Strategies for being assertive.

1) Know you priorities*
Image result for be an eagle not a turtle wellcastA) What's important to you?
B) Family
C) Church
D) School

2) Eye contact
Eg: Making eye contact with either their forehead or nose for better conversations, and because you get a better view.

3) Body language
Eg: Having great posture
Be an Eagle not a turtle.
Eagle: Have a straight back, have your chest out and speak with confidence
Turtle: Having a hunched back, with a frown face and being quiet.

4) Voice
Eg: Be loud and happy while talking.
Also to speak up to the class and be more confident.

5) "I" Statements
Eg: I feel...
Don't use "You" It will just make the person you're talking to more aggressive, because it feels like you're putting pressure on them.

6) Small victories
A) Confidence, *Feeling good about yourself
B) Stick up for yourself
C) Self talk

Wednesday 14 March 2018


Image result for assertive
accepting what happens or what others do without showing active response.
Passive behavior is avoiding the problem and letting others be disrespectful to you.
For example, Maddy accepted Robs gift for her b-day
Image result for passive

having or showing a confident and forceful personality.

Standing up for your rights whilst respecting the rights of other people. It is about communication
your own wants/needs whilst also acknowledging the wants/needs of others.
For example,I am able to say no with out feeling anxious or guilty.
Image result for assertive
ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
Aggressive behaviours are those that are hostile and violate others rights.
For example, Greg put all his anger towards his chair by punching it

Te whare tapawha

In health my class and I made a Te whare tapawha. I participated and contributed with my team by helping them out, and giving ideas to our project. One challenge for us were that we hardly communicated with each other because we just got into it straight away, I managed to cope with that by just going with the flow basically and listening and doing what they need help with. I found out that the Te whare tapawha has four different walls that reflect on our well-beings. It can be applied to any heath issue, whether it involves physical or psychology well-being. This photo is my team and I's project we did, I only got two walls, the other two were mental, and physical well-beings.

Monday 12 March 2018

Culture mind map

In social studies we did a culture mind map that held our traditional stuff like food, music, dances, drinks and celebrations. Here is what my mind map looks like.

Time warp

This term 9ak drama class have been practicing a dance call time war, we will performing this at the end of the term. Here is a look of the dance.

Friday 9 March 2018

Tiptop Paragraph.

It started like any other day, I woke up hungry hoping there would be some food left.
I strolled my way to the kitchen. I closed my eyes and opened the fridge and  saw… Nothing.
I then got changed and went to my car, so I could go to the store. It was 34 degrees, the sun shone
on my face, sweat dripped, and my stomach growled.  “Finally” I said, making it to the supermarket,
I then bought everything I needed to buy and rushed back to my car, Because I was starving.

Two hours after I had my breakfast, I got a call from a friend saying, “Come down to my place, I was

looking for my car and found it somewhere strange” I replied with “Okay.” It was 2:00 when I got to
my mates place, I called his name while looking around his house. That’s when I saw him, he was
at the back, Staring a tree.  I got closer to see what he was so interested in,
My jaw dropped as I saw where his car was.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Beatriz Milhazes

Beatriz Milhazes, composed her image well by using as much space as she can and that she kept it opened. I Liked how she layered one main thing all over the place which was a circle. Using different design and keeping it opened will probably help me with my design.