
Friday 12 April 2019

Life as an Orphan - English Assesment..

Life as an orphan…

Once the town was covered amongst dark clouds; bright golden lights started to appear, I quickly ran out

of my room and sprinted as fast as light towards the front door. I felt nervous as I put my hand on the
handle. My brain was going crazy telling me I should open it and run, but my body refused; so I let go
of the handle and went back to bed. Two hours have passed and I still couldn't go back to sleep, Ughhh,
that moment just kept replaying in my head. Questions were running through my mind all night.
I should of went, but why? Why didn't I go?...

It was morning and I was awakened to the aroma of freshly made bacon when I got out of bed,
the sun shimmered through the window and upon my face, the singing songbirds relaxed me as
I leaned my face against the cold window. Once I blinked It all went away, that was when I realized
im back into reality. When I stepped into the kitchen, no bacon was to be seen, it was just a bowl of
cold porridge. It’s been 12 hours since my attempt to escape and still, that moment hasn’t gotten out
of my head. Then A thought came through my brain. If I was to up and leave right now, then I would
have nowhere to go, maybe that’s why I stayed... Because I need to find my family! Think Evelyn, think!
Where can you find information about your family? I quietly said, “The files…”

“Goodnight Evelyn…” I watched her close the door and lock it. I waited until I couldn’t hear her footsteps.
The night was quiet again, it was so quiet that you could hear the clock ticking. I walked to my door
and unlocked it with my bobby pin. When I got out of my room, I checked both sides and ambled along
the hallway; towards the office. I unlocked the door. “Finally,” I said with relief. When I turned my torch
on there was mountains of files, it was so high that I could climb it. I looked and looked for my file, but it
was nowhere around me. Just when I was about to give up, there was a red file.
‘Evelyn Smith… Parents: Alive - 124  George St,’ My heart was pounding so fast. I grabbed my file
and ran towards the door.

“Ooohh it felt like forever, I wonder what they look like,” I said. “Boom, Clankkk” I froze.

“Oh no no no no No!” All the Lights turned on, even the head mistress of the orphanage.
I quickly opened the door and ran down the hallway. “Evelyn… You know they’re not alive,
so where are you going darling,” She said in a leery tune. “I’m going home,” I shouted,
“They are dead,” I carried on unlocking the door. I unlocked the door, and went outside just
when She shouted: “I've called the cops.” I took no notice and ran to the address that was put on
my file.

My hand shook as I lifted it towards the door. “Knock, Knock”. A lady walked to the door, “Who is it...

Child labour presentation

Here is my research on child labour that I did for social studies.

How much should you eat?

How much should you eat?

Serving sizes:Meat: The palm of your hand is a good serving size, the meat should be the same thickness as your hand.
Vegetables: Your two hands cupped together is a good size for serving.
Bread:  A closed fist is a good guide for a portion of starchy foods like bread, potatoes, taro, etc. 

Explain how many servings you are given as a guideline of what you should be eating:
3 - 6 a day
Vegetables: 3 - 4 a day
Bread: 6 a day
Dairy: 2 - 3 a day

How do these guidelines relate to your daily intake? Where do your strengths/weaknesses lie?
How these guidelines relate to me is the number of veggies and meat I intake every day, because those are my strengths along with bread. I don't intake dairy that much because my stomach reacts to it so dairy would have to be one of my weaknesses. 

Explain the purpose of the activity:
The purpose of this activity was to learn something new and to use it. Learning about how much servings we should eat every day is a good way to help our health. 

What you made and how it relates to the dinner plate model?
This relates to most activities we made due to the same servings we had.

What is something you are taking away from this term?
All the recipes
Serving sizes
Food groups

What do you to apply next term to this class?
The serving sizes

What is something you're looking forward to?
The food.

Friday 5 April 2019

My artwork of Orphism.

In the previous weeks of doing art, my class and I all had to work on Orphism, and learn about Sonia Terk Delaunay's artwork. During those weeks, we each had to draw artwork of Orphism, so we could understand it a bit more. We did thumbnail sketches - drawing quick - and we also recreated one of her works. Here are my artworks of Orphism.
Recreating her artwork

Thumbnail sketch
My own Orphism, that I will  put onto a plate and cutting
Linocut art 

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Child soldiers

Child soldiers definition:
Child soldiers are any children under the age of 18 who are recruited by a state or non-state armed group and used as fighters, cooks, suicide bombers, human shields, messengers, spies, or for sexual purposes.

Below is a map showing the top ten worst countries that have to do with child soldiers, in each country is their rank, category and the types of labour they do.

Seel Paragraph:

Thousands of children from ages 8 and up are all serving as soldiers in armed conflicts around the world. Children who serve as soldiers for their country are forced into doing this as they are used for fighting, killing, cook, messengers, some are even used for sexual purposes. Studies have shown that, there are 14 countries that are using children for fighting and in suicide attacks. Hearing that heaps of countries put children as soldiers, tell me that its unfair for the children, as they arent able to use any of their rights or protest to anyone.

All summer in a day...

All Summer in a day

^Link to book^


Find 3 words you don’t know the meaning of.
Look them up and write the definitions in your post.

Making a loud confused noise Example: Tumultuous applause

Solemn: Being very serious or dignified

Equipment needed for a particular purpose

Discuss the Exposition of the story -- what are the characters, setting, and mood? Characters introduced:



List and label one metaphor, one simile, and one example of sensory language from the story.

She was an old photograph dusted from an album

Feeling the sun on their cheeks like a warm iron

Sensory language:
The silence was so immense and unbelievable that you felt your ears had been stuffed
or you had lost your hearing altogether. The children put their hands to their ears. They stood apart. 
The door slid back and the smell of the silent, waiting world
came into them. The sun came out. It was the color of flaming bronze and it
was very large. And the sky around it was a blazing blue tile color. And the jungle
burned with sunlight as the children, released from their spell, rushed out, yelling into 
the springtime.

List and label an example of show not tell from the story.

Show not tell:
with the drum and gush of water, with the sweet crystal fall of 
showers and the concussion of storms

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Cloning - science



What is cloning?
Cloning means making copies of living things by copying their DNA

Steps  for cloning are in this picture below:



Cloning technology should be used to replicate endangered animals:

I strongly agree with this because I think it this would be a good idea because it would help endangered animal numbers to increase and it's a way to stop animals that are becoming endangered from becoming extinct. 

Cloning technology should be used to replicate highly productive plants and animals:

I strongly agree with this because it could help us with more food than we already have now.

Cloning technology should be used to replicate a which is dying of a terminal disease:

I agree with this because it may help the parents feel much better because they still get to see their child even if they have passed from this disease.  

Cloning technology should be used to staff our armies:

I agree and disagree with this because it can be used to help us fight for our own country, but making human clones can make the world become over-populated.

We should use cloning technology to produce humans which we could then harvest organs from:

I agree and disagree with this because this idea can help but these clones have feelings and do want to live and so we would just be using these clones to help these humans that are dying, but then we are also making more humans die so it wouldn't make a difference.

Cloning technology should be used to bring back to life famous and influential people:

I disagree with this because cloning other people means they would have the same personalities and likes in music and stuff and bringing them back into our generation would make them as famous as they were because we are interested in other things.