
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Health Unit

Spiritual Well-being:

Spiritual well being/Taha Wairua Meaning:
Spiritual well being is the stuff that you value the most, and all your beliefs. It also means your identity, so who you are and your culture and what you do as traditions.

Belief Definition:
BELIEF- “Trust, faith or confidence in someone or something”. Acceptance that something is true.

Value Definition:
VALUES- what you believe to be right and important.
What I've learned so far:
I have learned a lot of things that's got to do with spiritual wellbeing. One of them is what I value and cherish the most, also what I believe in. I also learned that understanding all my values helped me to understand myself better, and why we are reacting in that way.

 Forgiveness This value is important to me because I find that forgiving a person will make me stronger, and because forgiving isn't just good for the other person but for yourself as well I've been in a situation where the end result was being talked to as a group by a teacher and them apologizing, and me having the decision on whether I would forgive or not. I decided to forgive them and making that choice really made me better and also for them. If this happened to me, I will feel disappointed but then I will respect their choice even if they didn't forgive me.
 Leadership This value is important to me because I find that being a leader or taking charge of a situation will help me to be better and because I like to influence younger kids to be a good role model. I've been a leader before so I know how it feels to make kids want to be just like I was - a prefect - and making them choose that choice made me feel better If I was a leader and I wasn't being respected, I will feel frustrated and will start getting more bossier so they would respect me, and once they do, I will be more calm.

Monday 25 March 2019

DNA Extraction


To extract DNA from a kiwi fruit


 - Using a spatula, Scoop 1/2 kiwifruit into a bag. Add 25mL water + a pinch of salt.
- Mush until a thick soup.
- Pour over cloth into a funnel into beaker.
Ours on the left
- Pour liquid into a test tube. Add dishwashing liquid + swirl. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes.
- Tilt test tube on a 45-degree angle and slowly pour 10mL of ethanol down the side.
- Allow it to sit.


We saw a large clump of the kiwifruit rise up.


Overall, this was fun to do, and adding these certain types of ingredients, helped make this experiment happen, for example, Adding the salt helped clump the DNA together, and Ethonal has a different thickness to water, that's what makes it sit on top of the water, which did help us extract the DNA from the fruit. 

Sunday 24 March 2019

Creative writing

Show don't tell:

Show don't tell - definition

Show don't tell is a technique writers use to give the reader experience on the story by actions, thoughts, and feelings, instead of reading it through the writer's description.


The sun ducked below the horizon, saying farewell to the day. Its parting gift was a dazzling display of lights, blanketing the world in an ocean of purple and orange.


Narrative Openings:

The sun shone through the front window as the wind transferred around his car so gently. He moved his head up and down to the loud music. Biting into his burger so viciously the sauce began to drip on his beard. Slowly swaying his hand along the floor searching for napkins, he got frustrated and used his eyes instead, when he felt the car jump..

The wind howled through their lonely room. Their heartbeats went faster and faster as they made creaks and little noises trying so hard not to wake the beast. They quickly grabbed a lantern and vanished through the window. Running underneath the blanket of darkness, they turned around making the choice of never going back.

As the tears fell down her cheek, she quietly whispered ''don't. leave me''. He got up quickly, taking a big deep breath, kissing her on the head softly saying "goodbye"...


Setting activity:

A made up fantasy land...

As the sun rises above the horizon, I could see all the beauty this town had. The beautiful pink sky reflected off the river. The sound of the birds singing a beautiful tune, that's when you know its the morning. As I stroll down the street, the gentle breeze gave me goosebumps. All the different smells coming my way, my stomach began to rumble. Walking to the nearest bakery my view started to get wavy and blur, this is when I knew it was just a dream.

Setting activity 2:

He woke up to the sound of his alarm clock yelling at him and taking a look at it he realized he's late for work. He was running around his house as if he was competing in a marathon. Getting in his car and quickly driving out of his driveway. He was 5 mins before getting to work and he was sure he was going to make it, just when he got into a disaster... Traffic. Everybody was beeping and yelling at each other, telling them to get their move on, it was like they were about to start world war 3. He made it through traffic and got to work on time. When he just thought it was going to be a lucky day, a large tower of paper appeared on his desk.

Create a character: Protagonist & Antagonist:


  • What new things have you learned? How is this going to help you to be a better creative writer? New things I've learnt would have to be the setting activity, because it helps me be more specific in my writing and putting specific details in my wirting will make my creative writing better.
  • What activities did you enjoy from this unit of work? Why? I enjoyed making the show not tell, because it was a challenge, but it also did make great ideas acome to my mind, and it made my imagination get bigger.
  • Which styles of learning work best for you? Can you identify any obstacles to your learning?I like working in pairs or groups, and giving and sharing ideas with them. I also like working while listening to music, because it will help me to focus more and also enjoy it.

Thursday 21 March 2019

Child labour

In social studies, we are learning about child labour. We were given the ten worst country that has to do with child labour, and were told to use my maps and make descriptions about them. Here is my work about child labour.

As humans, we all have our own rights, and one of those rights is the right to education, and in most countries, kids and children that are our age or even younger are not able to have an education. Most children are expected to work by the age of 5 and work for 20 hours for a little bit of money because they need to help their family with food and clothes. All of those children do different types of working, which includes Mining, Agriculture, carpet making, brick making, etc. Child labour has been around since the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, and the population of kids in child labour have been growing bigger and bigger ever since. Studies have shown that there are 200 million children that are forced to work, and there are over 100 countries that deal with child labor. All those kids have a right to protest against child labour, they all have a right to education, they have a right to freedom, but when they stand up for what’s right it can get them into a dangerous situation, it can get them killed. We should help those kids in need and make a change, so they can get the rights they deserve.

Sonia Terk Delaunay - My artwork updates

Rythme colore, 1952, Abstract, Orphism
Sonia Terk Delaunay
Fabric Pattern, 1928, Abstract, Orphism
Sonia Terk Delaunay
Sonia Terk Delaunay And her husband, Robert Delaunay, were both well-known artist who had come up with, Orphism artwork. She and her husband, Robert Delaunay artworks were known for using strong colours and geometry shapes.  Sonia Terk wasn't a fan of Matisse or Picasso, and according to artists she said Matisse was "too timid, too bourgeois", and Picasso "always looked unhealthy". Sonia was the first living female artist to have a retrospective at the Louvre museum.

Orphism Google definition:

a short-lived art movement ( c. 1912) within cubism, pioneered by a group of French painters (including Robert Delaunay, Sonia Delaunay-Terk, and Fernand Léger) and emphasizing the lyrical use of colour rather than the austere intellectual cubism of Picasso, Braque, and Gris.

Recreation of her work

My artwork of Orphism

Sonia Delaunay's work

Friday 15 March 2019

Art - Michael Mew inspiration

During the term, we had the chance to make a poster that was like Micheal Mew's artwork. In his artwork, he had leading lines towards the focal point, and he did collages on his picture as well. When I got to make mine, I decided to have three focal points, the bird, the flower, and the fork. These stood out to me because Michael had a lot of flowers as his focal point and he also had drips. The leading lines I did was the lines from the wood, and the lines the bird is on, which is the tree. The bird I used is called a yellowhead or a mohua, It is a singing bird and is found in the South Island
My artwork
in NZ. Here is my artwork and next to it is Michael Mews artwork.

Michael Mews artwork

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Harriet Tubman research

In social studies, my classroom and I have been working on our research about Harriet Tubman. Harriet was a special lady who played an important roll in the underground railroads, here is my research about her.