
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Climate change/Global Warming:

Climate Change/Global Warming:

What is the greenhouse effect?
Radiation from the suns hits the earth and about half of the radiation is being absorbed by the earth's surface which warms it.  The other half of the radiation is being reflected off and then gets absorbed by the greenhouse gasses, and then it hits the earth's surface again making the earth warmer.

Effects of Global Warming:

Weather Patterns:
Global warming may lead to dramatic changes in regional and seasonal weather patterns. This may lead to more intense and more frequent storm events such as tropical cyclones.

Sea-level rise: Rising sea levels would flood coastal towns and communities. New Zealand's ports would be swamped. Coastal railway routes and roads would be flooded.

Changes in climate may affect the viability of crops in some areas. Crops that are typically grown in the North Island may be able to be grown in the South Island.

What is the solution to climate change?

What is the solution to climate change?

Thursday 21 November 2019

Greta Thunberg - Climate act on summit 2019

Greta Thunberg is a climate activist who is protesting for climate justice. In the video, most people think that she should 'learn some manners' whilst protesting. But coming from our point of view it was appropriate to say it like that because she was serious about it and people need to come to the fact that she is right."They only attack her because they can't attack the science in this" - quoted Greta.

In the second video the presenter was being rude. He was comparing her life to kids in other countries who have suffered more, he also showed examples of other reporters on her side however he was disagreeing and saying they were "pretending to take her seriously." This reporter has no proof of her being wrong and so he attacks her because of shes a child which makes her an easy target.  

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Forces: Science

To build the fastest Wind racer out of the materials we were supplied.

Trolley (Cart chassis)
1 meter of paper roll
2 meters of sellotape
Metal rod


1) Put the Metal rod into the trolley
2) Tape the strips of cardboard onto the base of the Metal rod so the base of the sail is formed.
3) Cut out a large triangle of paper and wrap it around the Metal Rod to form sails
4) Secure the sails onto the chassis with tape and tape any extra flappy bits down.
5) Make sure it is all secure and stable
6) Use the leaf blower to see how far it travels and the speed it travels.


Before we started to prepare our wind racer, we did some research on how we would design the paper, use the cardboard, and pick which type of trolley we would use. We decided to cut the paper into a triangular form because we thought this was an easy way it would capture the wind and also design, and this would be our sail. The way we used the cardboard, was that we would put it underneath the paper as support for the sail. When it came to the trolley we didn't have any ideas on what to do with it and so we just kept it as it was. 


Our wind racer didn't end up getting that far, and this was due to the paper being very weak and ripping and so it affected our distance and speed. But overall i'd say we did pretty well as working as a group.

*Forgot the results, sorry*
*Also don't have a picture because I ended up doing this blog on paper and drew it instead.*
*Student teacher lost the paper^* 

Acids and Bases:

Neutralizing Acids and Bases
Aim: Neutralize Sodium Carbonate using Hydrochloric Acid

  • Test tube
  • Test tube rack
  • Sodium Carbonate 
  • Hydrochloric acid 
  • Dropper bottle/pipette 
  • Universal indicator solution 
  1. Place 1-2 mL of Sodium Carbonate into test tube. Add 3 drops of universal indicator
  2. Using a dropper bottle add Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Carbonate one at a time until the solution is neutralized. You'll need to do this in drops otherwise you could potentially miss the neutralization point.

Discussion: As you can see in the middle we managed to get the colour green which represents the liquid being neutral. If we were to add too much acid it would begin to turn either red, yellow or orange and once we began to add alkaline it turned either blue or purple. 

Conclusion: In the end, we made the liquid neutral, and so we completed our aim. 

Understanding the pH level:
The pH level is a scale from 1 - 14, 1 being the strongly acidic and 14 being strongly basic or alkaline (Alkali is another word for basic). The middle is 7 or green which means the liquid would be neutral - in other words, it's not an acid or base, it just normal. 

The way we identify whether a liquid is an acid or base is we use Universal indicators. A universal indicator is a liquid where you would just put in a drop of this and it will determine if the solution is an acid or base by changing its colour. Another version we use to identify a solution is the litmus indicator. A litmus indicator comes in a paper form and a solution. Litmus indicator solution turns red in acidic solutions and blue in alkaline solutions. (paper form) Blue litmus paper turns red when the liquid is acidic and it remains blue when it is alkaline. 

English - Music videos

In English, my class and I were able to watch music videos and see how it would represent women and men in these videos by the way, they dressed, acted, and how they were being viewed. In a lot of music videos, women are being portrayed as eye-candy for men, or we support men throughout our lives. Also the way they showed women in this video and what they were wearing - clothes that revealed our bodies, they made it seem as if this was something normal in our reality. The way men were being portrayed in these music videos is that they were being viewed as fancy, and in control or forced with everything and they weren't being shown as rude or serious with comparison to the girls.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Treaty Research:


Friday 8 November 2019

The Rock Cycle

The Rock Cycle: