
Wednesday 23 October 2019

Home Economics: Pasta

Home Economics: Pasta

In Home economics, My group and I were able to make pasta with the choice of choosing any type of noodles, or pasta. We had the choice of either choosing, normal spaghetti, fettucini, lasagna sheets, or rotini pasta, and our group stuck with spaghetti. As usual, each person in my group had a specific job to do. One person did the dishes, The other was getting the ingredients, while I was getting the food prepped e.g cutting the onions and garlic for the sauce. Our group really works well in organizing who's doing what and we really finish prepping and everything just in time. The sauce was already pre-made for us and so it made everything easier.

Pasta  - any type
Salt & Pepper
Origano/any spices/seasonings.


- Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Save ¼ cup (60 ml) of pasta water, then drain.
- Add the olive oil and garlic to a large cold sauté pan. Turn the heat to medium-low and slowly heat up until the garlic is fragrant and lightly colored, about 3 minutes.
- Add the reserved pasta water and bring to a simmer. Add the cooked spaghetti and parsley, if using. Stir until the pasta is well-coated. Season with salt to taste.

E-asTTle writing practice: Persuasive

Swimming lessons should be compulsory for all students:

Every kid or young adult at least take 6 hours of their day being in school, and at the end of each day, we’ve all learned something new and has taken it away with us. English, Maths, science, etc. Those are some of the many subjects that help make an impact on us, but what about swimming. Swimming is one subject we should start learning as kids for it can help us all the Future. So, have you thought about making swimming lessons compulsory in school?

The first reason I think it should be compulsory is that swimming might be a sport where kids enjoy it or want to make it their career. and are thinking of becoming more professional at it. This is important because if kids are thinking of using swimming as a goal to get where they want to be in the future, then I say to make it compulsory in school   we should help them and make it compulsory; and so,  if these kids start doing something at a young age, they would start  start to developing in it. When these students get older and they can end up getting a scholarship in college or high school. An example can be my younger self. When I was young I wanted to express my rugby or netball talents as a future representative for New Zealand. Luckily for me, I had the opportunity of playing these sports when I was young and I still do. So because of having that opportunity at a young age, it really helped me to develop and think of using it as my career.  There is also one big reason why it should be compulsory, and I’ll explain that in the next paragraph.  It’s not just our career the school should be thinking about. They should make it compulsory because it’s really important for you and me, and it is our safety!

Getting into more detail, one reason I consider swimming lessons to be compulsory is that it’s for our safety  to keep us from drowning! Many people from all around the world have passed away from drowning, and this includes elderly, adults and young kids; so having swimming lessons can keep many people from drowning and can keep us all safe. Having swimming lessons can really decrease the number of deaths from drowning, or it can make people save other people who are in danger of drowning. When we start to learn something at a young age and carry on learning it throughout the years, it starts to become easier for us and we start developing in that specific subject or sport. This might even decrease the number of deaths from drowning, or it can make people save other people who are in danger/drowning. Hopefully, you understand, if not the next paragraph will sum it up for you. 

In conclusion, its a big yes for me when it comes to swimming lessons being compulsory in school. Its all about safety when we’re inside a school or outside of school.  When you’re crossing the road, always look left and right, when you’re swimming at the beach, always stay in between the flags, etc. Examples like those have stuck in our heads for a long time because its one of many things that go under the category ‘being safe’, and also because we were taught this when we were in a student kindergarten or primary. When it becomes much easier to swim, then these children or kids will start using it for their future. What do you think, do you think I have persuaded you enough to say yes to this statement.

This is my practice persuasive writing, and the words that are highlighted are the sentences in which I edited after I finished it, and the words with the lines struck through them are what I would delete-after.

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Ideas, Organisation, and Sentence structure. I will improve my ideas by giving more detail on the way I could explain and I could be using ''Using philosophical(deep) thoughts.'' One way I can improve my organization is that im not just linking it to the next paragraph, but linking it to the outer world, or use "I, you, or we" and compare the idea to a situation I've been in. I would really like to improve my language features by using new language features that I've never used before, such as: Repeating my words, Alliterative writing, humour, and using a Rhetorical question that has depth. One way to improve my sentence structures is by using emotional language so that I can make my argument stronger and also making sure my ideas are being expressed clearly.


Tuesday 22 October 2019



How do volcanoes form?
Volcanoes usually form around the area where two tectonic plates make contact with each other, or due to the movement of them. While these two tectonic plates make contact, they're forming friction which then causes the crust of the earth to melt. When the crust begins to melt it makes the rock underneath the crust to turn into magma all because of the great temperatures created by friction. Once the magma reaches the earth's surface, a volcano is formed.

Where are volcanoes usually formed?
Volcanoes are usually formed when a tectonic plate sinks into the earth's mantle underneath another mantle. One place where volcanoes are found is the: ring of fire. This is because of how this place has many subduction zones.

Mount Etna:
Mount Etna is an active stratovolcano(a volcano built up of alternate layers of lava and ash.), placed on the east coast of Sicily, Italy. According to research, This volcano is placed above the convergent plate margin between the African Plate and the Eurasian plate.

When did it last erupt?
2014 - 2019 and is still ongoing

Triggered a 4.3 and 4.8 magnitude earthquake that injured 28 people and left 600 people homeless. 
77 human deaths 


- Mount Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe and also one of the most frequently erupting volcanoes in the world.

Elephant toothpaste ingredients:
- 4 spatulas of potassium iodide in 20mL of water - speeds the reaction
- 35% (or 20%) hydrogen peroxide
H2O2 + H20 + O2
- Dishwashing liquid
- Food colouring

Add the potassium to the 20mL of water
In your volcano, add you Hydrogen peroxide, dishwashing liquid, and food colouring
Add the potassium iodide and water in the volcano - take it outside* explode outside*

Once we added the combination of Potassium Iodine and water to the things inside the volcano, it took a while for it to react. When it did react it came out really slow but big and really good because of the colour and the glitter. Also, the city was saved.

Monday 21 October 2019


In social studies, my class and I have been focusing on Cultural Beliefs and Values. One thing that most cultures believe in are: Gods. The task we were given to do, was pick a Maori God and find a familiar god in either: Greek, Roman or Hindu. As you can see I picked Tangaroa and Poseidon. They are both the gods of the sea in their culture. In the digital poster I created, there is a little amount of information about them.