
Wednesday 28 November 2018

Passion Projects

Here is the info of my group of far. In my group we are doing an event where we get  kids to join our basketball 5 on 5  friendly game. We are doing this because we want to help fundraise for charity.  My group and I have pretty much done everything, we know who's doing what, we know our timeline, we know how any kids are the going to be on the court and we know the rules.  We also researched anything about basketball that we didn't know.

Monday 19 November 2018

Passion Projects - Community sports.

What is your passion project?
My passion project is Community sports, and our event that my group and I are holding is an event where we get different year groups of students and we get them to join in and play either Football, Basketball, and touch.

What have I learned?
I have learned how to write make a phone call to different people or companies about asking them if we could borrow something for our project or if we could ask for permission.

How does this help you achieve your passion project?
This helps us achieve our project because we need to learn about these certain things that will help us to get what we need for our items or tools, and getting those helps us to make it happen.

What is your next step?
Planning the day, and getting even more information out there.

What evidence do you have that this is something you need to do?
We have our passion project plan that is shared amongst the whole group.

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Metal - Balancing toy

For the past term and a half my class and I have been working on our balancing toy. During our time of working we also put together a diary, or a presentation of the progress we have done. This presentation was edited every time we have metal tech. Take a look. Due to me being sick for a lot of days, and some public holidays I didn't get to finish it off properly, and I am alright with the end results. Some of the slides are missing due to those missed days. My wire is designed as number seventeen but I haven't finished it, and I haven't welded all my parts together, only my two rods and my 100 x 20 x 5 mm flat bar. I would do better by working even more harder because I missed last lesson, or just get on with my work. I learned how to drill, how some of the tools worked and I have learned how to make a balancing toy, by watching others around me and getting help by them. Hope you enjoyed my presentation. Thank you.


Did you finish your work, if not why?
I did not finish my work because I was sick for about two week which takes six days off, and we had some public holidays, and market day. Instead of just taking my time after I missed some days, I should've work two times harder.

What I enjoyed?
I enjoyed drilling and designing my work. I also enjoyed making one of these, even if I didn't finish. I enjoyed it because it taught me new things through the past term and a half.

What did I learn?
I learnt so many things, most of them were just learning the functions of all the tool we were using, and how much work goes into just making a balancing toy.

What was a challenge, and how 9+*-6did I overcome it?
One challenge for me was doing the drills because, I have never done it before and it also takes some risk, because just one wrong move and it can ruin your project, same thing goes for welding. I overcame it by actually trying it and asking for help around me, and because it was either the band saw or a slow cut with the hand saw.

Did I weld and what did I think of it?
Well I did weld, welding gave me a lot of pressure because I didn't know what to do or if I was doing it wrong, but I just did it and it turned out fine.

What have I got better at?
I have gotten better at knowing all the different tools.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Sons of zion

In music, my class and I have been working on our Nz musicians. We all got one person or group and had to do some research on them. The group I got were Sons of Zion. If you have not heard of them, check out my presentation below. I enjoyed doing this, and I consider listening to them.