
Thursday 31 May 2018

100 word challenge!?....

She sat still, staring silently saying " She's not here" She repeated herself a million times. She was very lonely and sad with nobody by her side. She had a questioned going through her mind saying " How am I suppose to live without her caring for me? ". She dropped down to the ground, closing her eyes, And asked "Lord, please give me a sign to show if she's here..." Bang! She looked up, wiping her tears away while she slowly strolled to the door. It was her mother. She hugged her and broke down in tears. "I thought you were gone."...

Monday 28 May 2018

Labour party

Thus week, I worked on political parties. The party I chose was, Labour party, I researched on the web to find out the stuff I needed about this party to answer my questions.
Here is my q/a's.
The New Zealand Labour Party
   (Ropu Reipa o Aotearoa)

  • President of this party is Nigel Haworth. Leader is Jacinda Ardern,
and deputy leader is Kelvin Davis.
  • This party started in 7th of july 1916.
  • Labour’s party ideology and political position is, Social democracy
Democratic socialism, and center-left
  • Their colour is Red
  • Labour party has 46 MP’s
  • Their goals are,

  1. To clean rivers for future generation.
  2. Education. They believe education gives young people the
freedom and opportunities to be the best they can be and contribute
to make New Zealand and even better place to live
3. Fixing mental health, by giving people that are in need help.

4.Housing, to start fixing housing crisis

5.Giving money to families that suffer from child poverty, Housing problems,
Health, Education, and other priorities.

Friday 25 May 2018

I wonder...

I wonder, How did the people who made clocks know the time.

Who invented clocks?
Christiaan Huygens. The next development in accuracy occurred after 1656 with the invention of the pendulum clock. Galileo had the idea to use a swinging bob to regulate the motion of a time-telling device earlier in the 17th century. Christiaan Huygens, however, is usually credited as the inventor. This was according to the Wikipedia.

How did they really know the time before they made the clock?

While researching I found out that, There was another more advanced shadow clock used by the ancient Egyptians around 1500 BC. The shadow clock permitted one to measure the passage of hours within a day. There was also another very early form of clock to tell the time, It was a water clock which was  used by the ancient Greeks.

Now, This makes me wonder, If humans evolved from apes/monkeys, why are there still monkeys and apes? Can blind people see dreams? What do you think?


In social studies, We watched a video based on monarchies. Our task was to wrote ten things that we found interesting about monarchies from that video. Here is my ten facts I found interesting.

        10 facts about monarchy’s

  • On september 9th, 2015 Queen Elizabeth the Second surpassed her great-great grandmother Queen, to become the longest running british monarch in history, But although the queen is quite popular in the UK, about one in 6 britons feel the monarchy should be completely abolished.

  • There are around 40 nations worldwide with monarchs - with various titles like King, Queen, Sultan and Emir.

  • There are 16 countries under british rule, And several are still ruled through absolute monarchies, Nations like, Swaziland and Qatar have hereditary rulers who exert full control over legislative executive and judicial branches of government.

  • Oman
  • Lesotho
  • Jordan
  • Bahrain
  • Morocco
  • Kuwait
  • Qatar
  • United arab emirates
  • Saudi Arabia

  • These nations tend to be plagued by human right abuses because there aren’t sufficient checks on the monarch’s supreme power.

  • In most nations like Sweden or Japan, monarch power is minimal, and they have few if any official state duties. They retain mostly symbolic power, and exist as the face of the country for ceremonial functions.

  • Known as the ‘head of state’, they differ from the ‘head of government’, who would be the actual political leader of the government.

  • The Queen’s political powers do include appointing the Prime Minister and declaring war of peace. However, traditionally, the monarch’s decisions in the UK have aligned with the constitutional government’s.

  • If they were ever to disagree these laws could change to remove the monarchy’s authority. For example, in 2008, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg refused to sign a euthanasia bill into law, although it had been approved by parliament. Luxembourg’s parliament then promptly amended the constitution so that bills no longer needed the signature of the grand duke.

  • Today, one of the most important royal duties is with philanthropy.

  • Monarchies may be a thing of the past, but royal families are invaluable for cultural preservation, diplomacy, and philanthropy. Some british citizens think that monarchy is out dated.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

The house is in the sky (Show not tell)

She woke up to the sound of birds chirping and flying pass. Noticing that there were no noise coming from cars or traffic around her seemed strange, but she never cared. Not knowing that the world was beneath her feet, She walked around as if everything was normal. Until she got a glimpse of the outside and walked as fast as she could. She fainted. While waking up she was breathing very heavily because of what was going on around her and with nobody around her she started to weep, when she suddenly heard a car beep. Sprinting her way to her door she saw that she was on land again, Relieved that it was all a dream...

Introduction for Japanese

Over the last term my class and I have been learning Japanese words. We all got the same task where we have to make a power point about us or our own intro's. We had to translate all of our English word into Japanese and we had to write them in Japanese. Here is a look of my introduction.