
Friday 25 February 2022

Level 3 Art NCEA

Do now Week 3:

Do now week 4:

Do now week 5:


Do now week 6:


Friday 19 February 2021

Ship of Theseus

"If you remove one plank from the ship, is it still the same ship."
"If all the planks have been removed, is it still the same ship"

This is the ship of Theseus, and according to google, "the ship of Theseus is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object." In further detail, our identity. I believe that my identity comes from my mind. So, therefore, my personality, my beliefs, my interest and so on is what makes me who I am; we all have different minds so that makes us all different. But if you were to think about identity in terms of the ship of Theseus, Would you still remain the same person if your external body parts were to be replaced but your mind and all that doesn't change? 

 Image result for ship of theseus

Friday 12 February 2021

Growth & Fixed Mindset:

 What is Growth & Fixed mindset:

There are two basic mindsets that shape our lives: Fixed mindset, and Growth mindset. A growth mindset is having the ability to learn and are wanting to improve in things. In further detail, having a growth mindset means you want to embrace and try new challenges and that it won't stop you from doing something you've never done before. It's having a passion to learn and be encouraged by failure rather than discouraged. A fixed mindset is the opposite of all that. It's believing that you cant improve, you give up easily, and they believe that talent or intelligence is something you have and not something you can learn and adapt to. For example, multiple intelligence. People like me thought that intelligence meant you're either smart at writing, reading, or mathematics, in other words only good at one single thing but it's actually deeper than that. Intelligence can be separated into 8 different parts. Each part represents different types of intelligence such as music, linguistic, intrapersonal, nature, interpersonal, logic, kinesthetic, and visual. Multiple intelligence just refers that you and I have different ways we can learn and get information. This can identify your strengths. The way this links to a growth mindset is that because there is 8 different groups and growth mindset is having the ability to learn, this means you can see your strengths and weaknesses and improve on them. For example, I am kinesthetically intelligent which means the body, so being able to have balance, eye-hand coordinate, and having a passion for outdoor/sport. It also ranked my strongest intelligence to my least strong, by this I know that I have every aspect of every group and if I wanted the music group to be my strongest I can do that just by learning about it and improving it. This is why this is more important than a fixed mindset because you're able to step out of your comfort zone and try new things other than thinking you can't do anything and your stuck.

Image result for growth mindset and multiple intelligences

Friday 26 June 2020

Art blog updates:

Throughout the year, I will be doing a few artworks that can help and go into my mood board. I will be doing various techniques and doing different versions of art to help expand on my ideas for my kaupapa.
The previous art classes I had, I spent them doing a certain art technique that I wasn't familiar with, and it was painting with watercolours and then going over with charcoal. Although it is very messy I wouldn't mind using them in the future.

The first painting below I did with my teacher, and I saw this as a practice or preview of what I am going to be doing next. This artwork was used as a way for me to get used to shading and also get used to dealing with this certain art since I have never dealt with nor seen artwork like this before.

The second painting I have done, I would say was my first attempt with trying to put together what I wanted and using the colours of my choice. I chose the colour yellow, orange or tan to give my artwork an earthy vibe, but also because it represents my other culture - Niue. The girl in this picture I see her as being, me. She's wearing a traditional Niuean costume that men and women wear when performing. Her face is scratched out for two reasons, one being because I don't see myself in her. Furthermore, I have two cultures - Niuean and Tongan, but I spent my life more on my Tongan side than my Niuean side. I have always wanted to express my Niuean culture yet, I can't see myself doing that or don't have enough knowledge about that culture to understand it. So I scratched her face out to show it as being "unknown".  The second reason is that Niue is known as the 'savage island' and I wanted to express that in my painting.

The last painting I did was the complete opposite the second one. It was the painting to represent my Tongan side. This painting compared to my second painting, I was trying to make her look calmer because I see my Tongan side as 'perfection'. Growing up, I had to deal with a lot of Tongan traditions, and every tradition is always beautiful, for example, the Tau'o'lunga - and Tongan dance. Tau'o'lunga has a special meaning to it that many Tongans know and understand but I find it very hard to follow and strange. Whereas compared to the Niuean dance it's brutal and rough which is something I enjoy watching. I chose the colour purple to represent 'royalty' and red to represent Tonga. Royalty is something that runs in my family since my Nana shares a special relation to the first king of tonga.
Second Drawing:

For the previous week, I spent focusing on my subject matters for my kaupapa. My kaupapa is based on aaround spiritual and cultural because these are two factors that are very important to myself, so due to this, I based my subject matter on something that can connect both of these characters.

The first drawing I did was just me playing around with patterns that can symbolise my culture. I did it in red colour as it reflects Tonga. The things that are seen to be dripping out are made to be like blood. The reason I did this was to show that it connects with my first drawing and the reason it's black is because of the charcoal and also because as I informed before, my life has been based around Tongan traditions and so I chose black to represent it as being old blood.

The second drawing is also similar to the first but is unfinished. So my aim for this one was to keep going with the patterns but instead do Niuean patterns and symbols. Something I was hoping to do for this part was also the blood drips but instead of it being black, i wanted it red. I think red is a good colour for this as it connects with the other drawings and it also means that I am interested or as if my blood is fresh to this culture.

What is working:
One thing that is working for me, is being able to connect everything together and also with myself. I believe that I am able to express myself into these paintings and so I find joy when doing it, but it also expands my ideas on things I am wanting to next>

What isn't working:
I think that I need more subject matters and a lot of better ones. I think that blood throughout my kaupapa may be too much. Another thing I think isn't working is the colours, I am looking forward to using the opposite colours throughout my artwork and I also need to tone down about on the background for each watercolour painting I do.

What is my next step:
My next step is to finding more subject matters and also trying to work with black and white or monochrome paintings. I am aiming to add in a few artworks that are inspired by Sofia Minson and im able to work well with what needs to be shaded grey and what needs colour.

For today's task, we were giving a mood board and told to put it in a sequence. As you can see with our sequence, it contains a lot of different art techniques but you can tell that its all put together to tell a bigger story or picture, the last picture shows it all being combined.

At the beginning of our sequence, we put the artworks that looked familiar. So we managed to put the three first artworks together because they both shared a technique which was drawing. We placed the two next pictures together because we felt that was the best place for it to be stored and it looked like it made more sense if it was placed there and nowhere else. The next photo is monochrome photography. The reason we put that next to the piece of artwork on the right is that that artwork contains a bit of the previous artwork - black and white. The rest is pretty self-explanatory because they are all contain something from the previous artwork next to it.

Thursday 11 June 2020

Language Features.

  • "Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead"
    I picked this line because it contains the language feature: personification. Personification is when you give animals or objects a human trait and in this case, the poem gave the aeroplane a human trait by saying it was 'moaning'. This gave me the idea that the aeroplane was loud and screaming at a low sound. This is effective to me because it gave me the impression of how loud the aeroplane was and it made it easier for me to imagine the aeroplane.
  • "Scribbling on the sky the message 'he is dead'
    This sentence has something that is similar to Personification except its referring to the sky(weather/setting) which means it would be a Pathetic Fallacy. This Feature was being used by expressing it as it scribbling on something yet aeroplanes cant scribble. 
  • Third paragraph - "my"
    What I mean by the word "my" is that I can see it being used over and over again, in other words, it is known as repetition. The author's purpose for doing this was so the reader could understand what he was to her and get it stuck into our heads.  I believe that by constantly using the word my, gave me the realisation of how important he was to her,  it also put an effect on the poem by it being past tense.

  • In the first paragraph, I would say it's being said in the present and I can back this up by using quotes such as: "Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come". By reading that quote I knew that there was a funeral present and happening at that moment. Except for paragraph three. I recognised that the third paragraph used a lot of past tense like was or thought but that doesn't mean the whole text was being placed in the past. The third paragraph could be the poem explaining who he was to her before he passed. So I would say this poem is spoken in 'first-person' because she explains what's in front of her, clocks, coffin or dog and secondly she described the person who passed in past tense meaning she was describing him.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Visual arts level one 1.1:

In term one, my Art class and I had the chance to do research on a few artists of our choice. Below here is the research I have done of the following artist: Sofia Minson, Robyn Kahukiwa, Claude Monet, and Bansky. 

Friday 21 February 2020



What is it?
Antithesis is a thing or person that is the complete opposite of someone or something else. Polar opposite...

Why is it used? What is the effect? 
Many people use this in their writing because when two opposites are introduced together, it creates a contrasting effect. In further detail, "Man proposes, God, disposes," writers would use examples like that due to the big impact it has on the reader.

"Love is an ideal thing, marriage is a real thing"