
Friday 19 February 2021

Ship of Theseus

"If you remove one plank from the ship, is it still the same ship."
"If all the planks have been removed, is it still the same ship"

This is the ship of Theseus, and according to google, "the ship of Theseus is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object." In further detail, our identity. I believe that my identity comes from my mind. So, therefore, my personality, my beliefs, my interest and so on is what makes me who I am; we all have different minds so that makes us all different. But if you were to think about identity in terms of the ship of Theseus, Would you still remain the same person if your external body parts were to be replaced but your mind and all that doesn't change? 

 Image result for ship of theseus

Friday 12 February 2021

Growth & Fixed Mindset:

 What is Growth & Fixed mindset:

There are two basic mindsets that shape our lives: Fixed mindset, and Growth mindset. A growth mindset is having the ability to learn and are wanting to improve in things. In further detail, having a growth mindset means you want to embrace and try new challenges and that it won't stop you from doing something you've never done before. It's having a passion to learn and be encouraged by failure rather than discouraged. A fixed mindset is the opposite of all that. It's believing that you cant improve, you give up easily, and they believe that talent or intelligence is something you have and not something you can learn and adapt to. For example, multiple intelligence. People like me thought that intelligence meant you're either smart at writing, reading, or mathematics, in other words only good at one single thing but it's actually deeper than that. Intelligence can be separated into 8 different parts. Each part represents different types of intelligence such as music, linguistic, intrapersonal, nature, interpersonal, logic, kinesthetic, and visual. Multiple intelligence just refers that you and I have different ways we can learn and get information. This can identify your strengths. The way this links to a growth mindset is that because there is 8 different groups and growth mindset is having the ability to learn, this means you can see your strengths and weaknesses and improve on them. For example, I am kinesthetically intelligent which means the body, so being able to have balance, eye-hand coordinate, and having a passion for outdoor/sport. It also ranked my strongest intelligence to my least strong, by this I know that I have every aspect of every group and if I wanted the music group to be my strongest I can do that just by learning about it and improving it. This is why this is more important than a fixed mindset because you're able to step out of your comfort zone and try new things other than thinking you can't do anything and your stuck.

Image result for growth mindset and multiple intelligences